34 HISTORY OF COLCHESTER CORPORATION WATER WORKS. miles back from the coast in order to sink a well into the chalk without the risk of getting an excess of chlorine, and who must of necessity rely upon gravel beds in their neighbourhood from which to obtain a supply. Within the last few years I have carried out several such schemes. Only a few years ago, in conjunction with the late Sir Frederick Bramwell.. F.R.S., Mr. Whitaker, F.R.S., and Dr. Thresh, M.D., D.Sc., I surveyed a large part of the county not far from this town, in order to find a water-supply for Clacton free from chlorine, and among the sites selected was an admirable gravel bed at Great Bentley. Other counsels then prevailed, the gravel bed was abandoned, and a well sunk on the site, to the Chalk. This turned out a failure, as one might have expected, and the gravel bed has since been utilised as the only means of supply.