NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH FRESH-WATER LEECHES. 75 water and kill in Perenyi's fluid at about 70° C. For whole preparations use Mayer's hydrochloric acid carmine (70% alcoholic). Decolorize in 1% hydrochloric acid in 70% alcohol until specimens have a light rose colour. Then wash in neutral alcohol, clear in cedar oil and mount in balsam." LIST OF BRITISH SPECIES OF FRESH-WATER LEECHES.6 Sub-order I. RHYNCHOBDELLAE Family I. Ichthyobdellidae. Piscicola geometra, Linn. Family II. Glossosiphonidae. *Protoclepsis tessellata, O.F.M. *Hemiclepsis marginata, O.F.M. *Glossosiphonia heteroclita, Linn. *G. complanata, Linn. *Helobdella stagnalis, Linn. Sub-order II. ARHYNCHOBDELLAE. Family I. Gnathobdellidae. *Haemopis sanguisuga, Linn. Hirudo medicinalis, Linn. Family II. Herpobdellidae. *Herpobdella octoculata, Linn. *H. atomaria, Carena. *Trocheta subviridis, Dutrochet. *Indicates species recorded from Essex. Piscicola geometra, Linn. "Fish-leech." Plate VI., Fig. 1. Description.—Body slender, cylindrical and semi-transparent. From 20-30 mm. long. Has well marked anterior and posterior suckers, the former with two pairs of eyes. Posterior sucker has 14 dark rays with a black spot in each of the intermediate areas, and is about twice the diameter of the hinder portion of the body. Colour greenish, yellowish or brownish, with a pair of lateral, pulsating vesicles on each somite of the posterior region. Body dotted with small dark spots. Complete somite with 14 rings. Habits, etc.—Very active. Attaches itself to weeds and stones by the posterior sucker and waves its body about until prey comes within reach. It can swim well. It attacks most 6 The classification and nomenclature adopted is that of Harding. See p. 65 for family characteristics.