78 NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH FRESH-WATER LEECHES. Epping Forest (per Mr. C. H. Bestow) ; nr. Clacton (per Mr. Picton) ; Bletchingley, Surrey; Higham's Park Lake8 (H. W.) ; Elstree (Robertson, 38) ; Histon, Cambridge (Harding, 21) ; New Forest ; R. Thames, Bourne End; R. Roding (Blair); Bala Lake, Solihull, Warwickshire (Houghton; 25) ; Shropshire Union Canal (Houghton, 28). This species has not been recorded from Ireland. Foreign:—France, Denmark, Prussia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Italy (Blanchard, 7) ; S. Norway (Jensen, 29). Glossosiphonia heteroclita L. (Clepsine hyalina,Moq.-Tan.) Plate VI.., Fig. 4. Description.—Body yellowish, almost transparent. Length 6—12 mm., breadth 2-4 mm. Three pairs of eyes, the anterior pair being very near to each other, and separated from the next pair by one or sometimes two rings. The dorsal surface has often longitudinal rows of faint, brown- ish interrupted stripes. Habits.—This is a sluggish species and is found chiefly upon water plants. It attacks the smaller mollusca. Harding states that it breeds in June and July and may lay as many as 60 eggs which are attached to the underside of the parent. Distribution. — Britain : —Walthamstow Reservoirs ; near Staines (H. W.) ; near Norwich (Brightwell, 9); Scilly Isles (W. Blair). Probably widely distributed, though it has not yet been recorded from Scotland. Ireland:—Belfast; Clonbrock, Co. Galway ; Tempo, Co. Fermanagh (Scharff, 39). Foreign ;—Germany (Johannson, 30) ; S. Norway (Jensen, 29) ; Italy, Central Europe (Blanchard, 7) ; North America (Castle, 11.) Glossosiphonia complanata L. (=sexoculata). Plate VI., Fig. 5. Description.—Body flat, ovate elliptical in outline. Greenish or brownish in colour with variable colours and patterns on the dorsal surface. Dorsal surface with six longitudinal rows of yellowish papillae. The two inner- most rows have the spots joined by longitudinal dark brown lines, com- mencing at the 5th somite. The ventral surface has two uninterrupted longitudinal bands. Length 15-30 mm., breadth 5-10 mm. Harding states that the three following forms may be distinguished :— " A. Body greenish, the six dorsal rows of yellow spots well marked (typical form). 8 Found by Mr. A. C. Akehurst on the occasion of a visit of the Quekett Microscopical Club. A variety striata may occur in this country. It is distinguished by having blackish transverse stripes on every third ring