NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH FRESH-WATER LEECHES. 83 Distribution.—Britain :—Theydon Garnon (Whitehead, 44) ; Beddington, near Croydon (Lee, 34); near Maidenhead (Bell, 2) ; Regent's Park (Gray, 19) ; Lyne, between Dorking and Hor- sham ; Elstree, Herts (Harting, 23) ; Capel, Surrey ; Withing- ton Sewage Works, near Manchester (Harding, 21) ; Penge (Harding, 22). Foreign:—At present recorded only from France, Italy and Algeria. Note.—I am indebted to my friend Mr. W. N. Blair, junr., for reading through the MS. and for several valuable suggestions and additions. REFERENCES. 1. APATHY, S. (1888) : Siisswasser-Hirudineen, Zool. Jahrb, III., P. 725. 2. BELL, F. J. (1896) : Large example of Trocheta subviridis in the Thames. The Zoologist (3), XX., p. 264. 3. BLANCHARD, R. (1892) : Presence de la Glossiphonia tessellata au Chili. Actis de la Soc. Scientifique du Chili, II., pp. 177-187. 4.—(1892) : Courtes Notices sur les Hirudinees, IV. Description de la Glossiphonia marginata. Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, XVII., pp. 173-178. 5.—(1892) : Courtes Notices sur les Hirudinees, V. Description de la Glossiphonia sexoculata. Bull. Soc. Zool. de France, XVII., pp. 178-182. 6.—(1893) : Revision des Hirudinees du Musee de Turin. Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. di Torino, VIII., No. 154. 7.—(1894) : Hirudinees de l'Italie continentale et insulaire Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. di Torino, IX., No. 192. 8. BRANDT, J. F. and RATZEBURG, J.T.C. (1829) : Medizinische Zoologie, II., 2 vols. 9. BRIGHTWELL, T. (1842) : On Hirudo geometra, L. and some other species of British Freshwater Leeches. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., IX., pp. 11-15. 10. BRUMPT, E. (1900) : Reproduction des Hirudinees. Mem. de la Soc. Zoologique de France, Tom. XIII., pp. 186-420. 11. CASTLE, W. E. (1900) : Some North American Freshwater Rhyn- chobdellae and their parasites. Bull. Mus. Zool. Harvard, XXXVI., pp. 17-61. 12. DALYELL, SIR J. G. (1853) : The Powers of the Creator displayed in the Creation II., 2 vols. 13. DISTANT. (See Whitman.) 14. EBRARD, E. (1857) : Nouvelle Monographic des Sangsues Medi- cinales. 15. EVANS, T. J. (1910) : Brit. Assoc. Handbook and Guide to Sheffield, p. 496.