94 REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. Lecanoras vitellina, murorum, and galactina, and Verrucaria nigrescens. Tombstones in old churchyards present a quite characteristic assemblage of lichens, including Physcia pulverulenta sub-sp. pityrea, P. stellaris sub-sp. tenclla, P. parietina, form congranulata, Lecanora murorum, L. subfusca, var. campestris, and Buellia canescens. Old leather will afford a rest-place for various lichens if sufficiently soddened ; we have noted Cladonia fimbriata, var. tubaeformis and Lecidea granulosa growing on an old boot in the Forest : and we have even seen tiny fruiting individuals of Cladonia macilenta and C. fimbriata, var. tubaeformis growing on the dry clung of rabbits. ASPECT. All lichens love the light, but there is a considerable difference in the intensity of the light which various species prefer. The yellow-coloured forms appear to revel in full sunlight, the flaves- cent Physcias and Placodia being striking instances. Thus, Physcia parietina, form congranulata, prefers the south faces of walls, where the surface of the stone or brick becomes un- bearably hot to the touch in the full glare of the summer sun ; and the form cinerascens of the same species occurs chiefly on the south side of beech trunks in the Forest. Lecanora mur- orum is more frequent on sunny walls and tombstones, and L. vitellina affects the south faces of walls. In contrast with these, the green-hued Parmelias are very frequently found in the Forest on the north and west sides of tree-trunks. FRUITING SEASON. There would seem to be few records as to the season of the year when lichens are accustomed to produce their apothecia in this country. Our own fragmentary notes in this connection must be regarded as merely tentative, pending the accumulation of further observations, but so far as they go, they undoubtedly tend to show that the fruiting period for these plants is the winter months, extending from the beginning of November to the end of April. Thus, taking Baeomyces rufus as a type of many others, we have noted it with small apothecia on September 9th and 19th, with well-formed apothecia on November 26th,