REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. 101 Tribe—USNEEI. Usnea hirta, Hoffm. On sallow trunk, Blackweir Hill ; sterile. Tribe—CETRARIEI. Cetraria aculeata, Fr. form hispida, Cromb. Heathy ground, E. border of Great Monk Wood ; Black- weir Hill ; Highbeach ; spermogoniferous. Platysma glaucum, Nyl. On projecting beech-roots, Great Monk Wood ; sterile. Tribe—PARMELIEI. Parmelia perlata, Ach. Meth. On oak trunk, S. slope of Loughton Camp ; on beech roots, Great and Little Monk Woods ; Epping Thicks ; sterile, in poor condition. P. sulcata, Tayl. On stump, Great Monk Wood ; on oak trunk, Staples Hill ; on projecting hornbeam root, W. of Wake Valley ; sterile. P. caperata, Ach. Meth. On tree-root, Epping Upland ; small and in poor con- dition ; sterile. P. fuliginosa, Nyl. var. laetevirens, Nyl. On hornbeam and crab trunks, S. of Loughton Camp ; sterile. Tribe—PELTIGEREI Peltigera spuria, Leight. On heathy ground about the Wake Arms ; west of Loughton Camp ; fertile. Tribe—PHYSCIEI. Physcia lychnea, Nyl. At base of ash trunk, by the Roding at Buckhurst Hill ; ditto at Blackacre, Theydon Bois ; fertile. P. pulverulenta, Nyl. Sub. sp. pityrea, Nyl. On old tombstones, St. Nicholas Churchyard, Loughton ; fertile ; on beech trunk, Little Monk Wood, on tree