104 REPORT ON THE LICHENS OF EPPING FOREST. Rhizocarpon alboatrum, Th. Fr. var. epipolia, A. L. Sm. On mortar of wall, Copt Hall Green ; fertile. Tribe—GRAPHIDEI. Opegrapha herpetica, Ach. Meth. On hornbeam trunk, near Honey Lane Plain ; fertile. O. vulgata, Ach. Meth. On hornbeam trunk, Broadstrood ; fertile. Graphis scripta, Ach. var. serpentina, Nyl. On hornbeam trunk between Woodberrie Hill and Grubb's Pits ; fertile. Phaeographis inusta, Muell-Arg. On hornbeam trunk, near Grubb's Pits ; fertile. Graphina anguina, Muell-Arg. On felled hornbeam, Epping Lower Forest ; fertile. Enterographa crassa, Fee. On hornbeam trunks, Epping Lower Forest ; near Grubb's Pits and elsewhere ; common ; fertile. Tribe—PYRENOCARPEI. Verrucaria viridula, Ach. On cement, Jacks Hill, Theydon Bois ; fertile. Verrucaria nigrescens, Pers. On cement, Jacks Hill, Theydon Bois ; fertile. Gongylia viridis, A. L. Sm. On sandy banks, near Broadstrood, April 1910 ; Black weir Hill ; Oak Hill, Theydon Bois, November 1910 ; fertile (The first record of this recently described species was from near Horsley in Surrey, February, 1910). Pyrenula nitida, Ach. On hornbeam trunk near Grubb's Pits ; on hornbeam trunk between Broadstrood and Debden Green ; fertile. The nomenclature of the undermentioned forms, included in our [first list, having since been affected by the publication of Miss A. L. Smith's monograph, we give the new synonymy :— Lecidea decolorans, Flk. is now Lecidea granulosa, Schaer. L. tricolor, With. is now Biatorina griffithii, Massal.