"CHONEZIPHIUS MOOREI." 105 L. petraea, Wulf, is now Rhizocarpon petraeum, Massal. Opegrapha atra, var. hapalea, Ach., is now var. denigrata,. Schaer. Verrucaria gemmata, Ach., is now Acrocordia gemmata, Koerb. ERRATA. Parmelia lorreri, Turn., given in our former list, should be Parmelia borreri, Turn ; Cladonia flaerkiana, Fr. should be C. floerkeana, f. trachypoda, Nyl. Parmelia exasperata, Nyl., given in our former list, is now known to have been wrongly identified ; it is probable that Crombie's record of this species from Epping Forest is also at fault, as the true exasperata is found to be much rarer than is sometimes supposed, and is probably often confused with the commoner "fuliginosa" Nyl., as in our case. We have to thank the Rev. H. P. Reader, M.A., of Leicester, for this cor- rection. Pertusaria amara, Nyl., given as "fertile," should read "sterile." "CHONEZIPHIUS MOOREI." A NEW SPECIES OF FOSSIL ZIPHIOID WHALE FROM WALTON-ON-NAZE, ESSEX. By ALFRED BELL. With Plate VIII. [Read 22nd February 1913.] THE fine rostrum here figured is in the collection of Major E. St. F. Moore, of Felixstowe and was obtained by him in Colchester a short time since. This and an equally well preserved crown of a molar of Mastodon arvernensis were dredged from off Walton-on-the-Naze. The latter has a number of Serpula, and one or two species of the Lepralian Polyzoa attached. The beak is in a very perfect state of preservation, the sur- face of the bone almost free from the usual pittings and only rubbed to a slight degree across the prefrontal tract. From its condition it had evidently been buried a little below the surface, as the pores and vomerine cavity were rilled with loose sand.