108 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. *N.B.—It has been considered desirable to re-enumerate the Meetings of the Club, commencing at the Foundation Meeting on 10th January 1880. Up to the present time only Ordinary Meetings, at which minutes are read, have been reckoned. There is no valid reason why all Meetings (other than Council and Committee Meetings) should not be enumerated. A careful counting has been made, with the result that the present stands as the 400th Meeting of the Club. This method will be adopted in future on the circulars and in the reports in the "Essex Naturalist." THE 401st MEETING OF THE CLUB. Saturday, 24TH February 1912. This meeting took place at the Technical Institute, West Ham, as usual, Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the chair. The Secretary read a letter from Mr. E. N. Buxton acknowledging the Club's message of congratulation on the occasion of his Golden Wedding. In accordance with the Rules, nominations were made of members of Council and Officers in view of the Annual Meeting. Donations.—The Curator, Mr. W. Cole, exhibited various recent dona- tions to the Museum, including the collection of Epping Forest Lichens, illustrating Messrs. Paulson's and Thompson's paper down for reading that evening—a collection of Zonal Fossils from the Red Crag, presented by Mr. Alfred Bell—specimens of the Red-throated Diver (Colymbus septentrionalis) and one of the Little Auk (Mergulus alle) from the Stour River, presented by Mr. W. B. Nichol:-, J.P., M.B.O.U.. Manningtree, and examples of a supposed new species of Crepidula from Oyster Beds near Harwich, presented by Mr. Bell : and made some remarks upon each of these exhibits. Lord Lister.—The President referred to the recent death of Lord Lister, F.R.S., and proposed, in the name of the Council, that a letter of condolence should be sent to the family through our member, Miss G. Lister. This was unanimously agreed to. Lichens of Epping Forest.—Mr. Robert Paulson, F.R.M.S., on behalf of himself and Mr. Percy Thompson, presented their Second Report on the Lichens of Epping Forest, supplemental to the paper already published in the Essex Naturalist (Vol. xvi. pp. 136-145). The paper was illustrated by the collection referred to above, and by a series of very excellent lantern-slides, prepared from photographs of individual forms. A discussion followed, in which the President, Messrs. Cole, Nicholson, Dr. Graham, and the authors took part. Very cordial votes of thanks were passed to the authors, and to the donors of the specimens for the Museum. DEMONSTRATION OF THE COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE MR. J. E. GREENHILL, F.G.S. THE 402nd MEETING. Saturday, 2nd March 1912. In November 1909, a portion of the collections of the late Mr. J. E. Greenhill, F.G.S (who was one of the Honorary Members of the Club),