THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 113 Library of the Essex Museum, a copy of which had been sent by post to every member of the Club. These heads of Agreement are embodied in the Agreement itself, which is printed in the Supplement to the Year-Book for 1913-14. Mr. Avery proposed that the explanatory paragraphs which had been inserted in the circular of the meeting by the Secretary, should be voted on first. The paragraphs were as follows :— " The condition of the Library has been for many years past a matter of great concern with all well-wishers of the Club, and the growth of the collection renders the problem of its proper conservation one of increasing difficulty. In the opinion of the Council the best solution is that embodied in the accompanying Memorandum, and for the reasons given in the Preamble (which will be fully explained at the Meeting) the scheme is strongly recommended for support by our members :— " Preamble.—In view of the fact that there is at present a very large and constantly increasing number of volumes of Transactions of Natural History Societies, etc., which would be exceedingly valuable if available for reference, and inasmuch as these cannot, owing to their unbound con- dition be placed in the Library, and inasmuch as the finances of the Essex Field Club cannot provide the necessary funds for binding, the Council suggest that in the interests of the Members of the Club, it is desirable to approach the Council of the County Borough of West Ham with a view to making the Library of the Field Club participate in the benefits of the financial assistance available for Museum purposes." Mr. Avery proposed as an amendment that the Preamble should read as follows :— " Preamble.—In view of the fact that there is at present a very large and constantly increasing number of volumes of Transactions of Natural History Societies, etc., which would be exceedingly valuable if available for reference, and inasmuch as these cannot, owing to their unbound condition, be placed in the Library, in the interests of the members of the Club it is desirable to allocate out of the general funds of the Club the sum of at least £10 per annum for the purpose of binding the books, with a view of making the Library available for members." After considerable discussion, the amendment was put from the chair, and lost. The President then proposed on behalf of the Council the heads of the proposed agreement. After full discussion, the President put the same en bloc, and they were agreed to with one dissentient. This ended the business of the Special Meeting. A short Ordinary Meeting was held, at which Mr. Thompson, on behalf of the author, read a paper on "The Coast Flora of the Clacton District," by Mr. F. Saxer. Some remarks were made by the President and by Mr. J. C. Shenstone, F.L.S., and the meeting ended. MEETING AT CHIGWELL—THE 407th MEETING. Saturday, 8th June 1912. An enjoyable meeting was held in this interesting district, at the kind invitation of our members, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wall. It was an "all-