THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 123 After tea at the head-quarters, a meeting (the 412th) was held, Mr. W. Whitaker, President, in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected :—Mr. William Howard, The Willows, Prince's Road, Buckhurst Hill ; Mr. W. Richter Roberts, Monkwood Cottage, Baldwyn's Hill, Loughton ; Miss Elvina M. Heath, 84, Claremont Road, Forest Gate. The Conductors, Miss Lorrain Smith, Miss G. Lister and Mr. Massee, gave short addresses on the observations of the day. Miss Lister's re- searches are printed in her report in connection with the two Fungus meetings printed elsewhere (see pp. 126-8). Representatives of the Selborne Society and the School Nature-Study Union expressed the pleasure of their members at the cordial invitations extended to them by the Club. The Meeting then resolved itself into a conversazione for the examina- tion of the specimens obtained during the day. THE 413th MEETING. Saturday, 26th October 1912. This meeting was held as usual at Stratford at 6 o'clock, Mr. W. Whi- taker, F.R.S., in the chair. New Member.—The Rev. C. Grinling, 10, Rectory Place, Woolwich, Kent, was elected. Paper Read.—A paper entitled "Some Recent Observations on the Physiography of the Stort Valley, with special reference to the Rubble- Drift Deposits" was read by the Rev. A. Irving, D.Sc., and Percy A. Irving, B.A. The paper dealt with a few of the more conspicuous examples of the Rubble-Drift movements that have taken place by the simple operation of gravitation acting upon materials placed in an unstable condition on the slopes and bluffs of the valley flank. They supplement the inland series of such deposits recorded in Prestwich's map, attached to the most important of his two papers (ii). The opening up of the Stort Valley in public works and otherwise in recent years has afforded opportunities for observing the structure of such deposits. Special notes are added (1) on the Harlow Boulder-Clay and its differentiation from the tipper Stort Valley Drifts ; (2) on the north end of the section of plateau-gravel (prequaternary) at Braintree (Prestwich, Q.J.G.S., vol. xlvi. page 133, fig. 9), a case of special interest to Essex Geologists and Archaeologists ; (3) on the Bronze "Hoard" found at Matching (Essex) in 1893, now in the Colchester Museum ; (4) Comparative study of Horse-molars (pre- historic) from Essex and Herts ; (5) Note on the Henham Horse-bones (Nature, May 2nd, 1912). The two papers of Prestwich's alluded to above are (i) "On the Age, Formation, and Drift Stages of the Darent Valley" (Q.J.G.S. xlvii) ; (ii) "On the Raised Beaches and 'Head' or Rubble-Drift of the South of England ; their Relation to the Valley Drifts and to the Glacial Period" (Ibid. xlviii.).