124 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. The paper was illustrated by specimens of animal remains, and by samples of the various boulders occurring in the strata, etc. Remarks were made by Mr. H, Warren, F.G.S., and by the President. A vote of thanks was passed to the authors, to which Mr. Irving responded. Conference of Delegates of Scientific Societies of the British Association at Dundee, and the extirpation of Wild Flowers.—Mr. Joseph Wilson, F.R.M.S., as Co-Delegate of the Club, with Mr. Whitaker at the Conference briefly reported on the subjects brought forward. See report p. 138. Exhibits.—In addition to the exhibits made by Dr. Irving, in illustra- tion of his paper, the following special exhibits were made :—Mr. H. Rand : (a) Neolithic Implements, &c., from Hull Bridge, near Rayleigh (cup- marked mortar, grinding stones, hammer stone, axes, scrapers, saws, borers, flakes, &c., including a series of about 100 pygmies) ; (6) Primitive Fishhooks (thorns and bent pins) used on the river Crouch. Mr. Arthur Wrigley : Implements, Bones, and Plant-remains from the Pleistocene deposit at Temple Mills, recently visited by the Club. Remarks on the exhibits were made by Mr. Rand, Mr. Warren and Mr. Wrigley, and votes of thanks were cordially accorded to these gentle- men. THE 414th MEETING.—THE ANNUAL CRYPTOGAMIC FORAY. Saturday, 2nd November 1912. This Meeting was arranged for the observation in the field of groups of the Cryptogamia other than the larger Hymenomycetal Fungi. The Directors and Referees were :—Mosses, Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S., Mr. A. Bruce Jackson ; Hepatics, Mr. Frank Cavers, D.Sc., F.L.S. ; Lichens, Mr. R. Paulson, F.R.M.S., Mr. Percy Thompson ; Myxomycetes, Miss Gulielma Lister, F.L.S. The Head-Quarters for the day were at the Royal Forest Hotel, at Chingford. The morning party started from Chingford Station about 11.30, and the route was through Chingford Village to the Hawk's Mouth, there entering the woodlands and proceeding through Hawk Wood to Yardley Hill, and thence through Bury Wood and across Chingford Plain to the Club's Forest Museum at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, where a junction was effected with the afternoon party. After an inspection of the Museum, Mr. Cole gave a few par- ticulars of the building and of the Club's efforts to establish an interest- ing local and Nature-Study Museum there, efforts which he feared would, after nearly 17 years' hard work, be frustrated by the non-sympathetic attitude of the Corporation of London. Then the combined parties rambled over Fairmead and the adjacent woods, finally returning to the Forest Hotel for tea and the evening meeting. A short formal meeting (the 414th) was held, Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., President, in the chair.