THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 125 The following were elected Members :—Mrs. W. H. Dalton, 85, Hayter Road, Brixton Hill ; Miss Elsie Peake, 58, Kensington Gardens, Ilford ; Mr. Arthur Wrigley, 72 Cassland Road, South Hackney. An account of the species of Mycetozoa observed during the day was given by Miss Lister. Her remarks are embodied in a short papier printed in the present part of the E.N., pp. 126-8. Dr. Cavers reported concerning the species of Hepatics, and Mr. Paulson on the Lichens. Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S., exhibited some living specimens of a rare Liverwort, Ricciocarpus natans, recently found by Mr. J. G. Everett in a pond at Chigwell, and some account of this form was also given by Dr. Cavers. Professor G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., made a short speech, in which he ex- pressed the pleasure of the members of the Selborne Society who had taken part in the meeting. The remainder of the evening was spent in examining the various specimens gathered during the day. THE 415th MEETING. Saturday, 30TH November 1912. This meeting was held at the Technical Institute, West Ham, at 6 o'clock, the President in the chair. New Member.—Miss Emelia F. Noel, of 37, Moscow Court, London, W., was elected a member. Paper Read.—Mr. Thomas Barrett-Lennard, M.A., J.P., read "Some Letters of the Rev. Wm. Derham, F.R.S., Rector of Upminster, to Dacre- Barrett, of Belhus, Essex (1704-10), together with some remarks on the same." Some observations were made by the President and by Mr. W. Cole, and Mr. Barrett-Lennard was thanked for his communication. A Lecture was then given by Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., on the Mycetozoa. The lecture was illustrated by diagrams, and coloured lantern-slides from Miss Lister's own drawings and by actual living specimens of the plants (or animals ?). A very cordial vote of thanks was accorded to the Lecturer on the proposal of the President, seconded by Mr. Paulson. Observations were also made by Mr. Charles Nicholson and others, and Miss Lister replied to the several questions raised. [Plates for the Chigwell Report (ante p. 115). These two photographs, ready printed off as Plates, are the gift of our Member, Mr. J. Phelp, but in error are numbered VI and VIT These insertions may face pages 113 and 114.—Ed.]