THE RAY, DALE, AND ALLEN COMMEMORATION FUND. 135 thoughts to wander about other objects, but that we may serve Thee with purpose of heart, with intention of mind, and with true zeal and devotion ; that so we may offer unto Thee spiritual sacrifice, pleasing and acceptable, by Jesus Christ our blessed Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. The service ended, the Memorial (see Plate xv.) was in- spected and was generally approved. The wording on it reads :— Later, the company adjourned to the Braintree High School, in the Great Hall of which was held, by the permission of the Head Master, Mr. F. J. Weever, M.A., a largely-attended joint- meeting of the Club and of the Braintree Educational Society, to hear a Eulogy on Ray, Dale, and Allen and their life's work, by Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., a past-President of the Club. Mr. William Whitaker, F.R.S., presided over a gathering of members and friends, which completely filled the hall. After the Address,8 various books, manuscripts, etc., of interest in connection with the three Braintree naturalists, were exhibited. The Rev. J. W. Kenworthy and Mr. John Avery showed the two 8 Printed hereafter.