136 THE RAY, DALE, AND ALLEN COMMEMORATION FUND. volumes of Allen's Commonplace Book, which belong to them respectively9 The Rev. W. Warren showed the Parish Registers of Black Notley, containing the records of Ray's baptism and burial. Mr. J. Luard Pattisson sent a copy of Dr. Derham's Select Remains of Ray (1760), on the flyleaf of which a number of Fellows of the Linnean Society and others who paid a visit to Ray's tomb and to "Dewlands" in July 1844 had signed their names.10 The Trustees of the Independent Chapel at Bocking also showed various' documents bearing upon Dale's connection with the building of that Chapel in or about 1704. These inspected, the party took tea in the Art Room, after- wards strolling through the town to inspect its various objects and places of interest (including Allen's house and garden in the Great Square), finally driving back to Chelmsford, to catch evening trains home. 9 See ante, p. 130. 10 The names include those of the Bishop of Norwich (President, Linn. Soc.), Professor Thos. Bell, Professor Edward Forbes, Professor D. T. Ansted, Robert Brown, Edward Forster J. J. Bennett (Sec. Linn. Soc.), S. R. Kippist, Dr. Edward Lankester, Jas. E. Winterbottom, Richard Taylor, R. H. Solly, W. Yarrell, A.White, Joshua Milne, and John Van Vorst. At this date, Dewlands belonged to a member of Mr. Pattisson's family. Later, the volume in question passed out of the family and was purchased by Mr. G. Thorpe Bartram, of Braintree (see Chelms- ford Chronicle, 4 December 1882), by whom it was presented to Mr. J. L. Pattisson.