138 REPORT OF CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES COMMITTEE. THE CORRESPONDING SOCIETIES COMMITTEE OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION, DUNDEE, 1912. REPORT OF THE CLUB'S DELEGATES. For the meeting at Dundee the Club appointed as delegates Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., and Mr. Joseph Wilson. F.R.M.S. The following is Mr. Wilson's report :— The delegates from the various Corresponding Societies held their annual conference in the Technical Institute, under the presidency of Professor F. O. Bower, F.R.S., on September 5th and September 10th respectively. Following the Chairman's address on the Life and Work of Sir J. D. Hooker, Miss A. Lorrain Smith submitted a brief report on a circular issued by the British Mycological Society, respecting certain diseases occasioned by fungi, asking that observations be made thereon, such as the disease among plum trees, known as Silver-leaf, and the injury occa- sioned by the Polyporaceae. The response to this circular was not very encouraging, as only four societies replied to it. Dr. Wager, of Sheffield, suggested the desirability of the local so- cieties helping the British Mycological Society in collecting information respecting fungi, and he thought something definite would be accomplished if the Silver-leaf, the Gooseberry-mildew or one or two other fungoid diseases were thoroughly investigated and the results published. Mr. A. R. Horwood, of Leicester, submitted a. preliminary report on the protection and preservation of our native wild plants, and suggested that the local societies could do much to further this object. At the second meeting of the conference Professor Bower was again Chairman..