NOTES—ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. 141 many various ducks ; on 5th February, Mallard, Wigeon, Pochards, Scaup, Goosanders, Mergansers ; 6th February, Mergansers, Wigeon ; 7th February, Wigeon, Goldeneye, Pochards and Mergansers ; and so on every day up to to-day (February 16th), when my 'bag' was five Mallard, nine Mer- gansers, eight Goldeneye, besides some 3,000 Coots, hundreds of Dunlin, Redshanks, Curlew and Gulls innumerable." On 22nd of October 1912, Mr. Nichols wrote :—"Five Glossy Ibises (Plegadis falcinellus) were shot at Walton-on-the-Naze on 14th October, by Mr. W. Woodruffe Eagle and his brothers. One of his men reported that six 'black curlews' were on a pond in the marshes. Mr. Eagle and his brothers went out and found the birds at the pond, and killed five, two adults and three young. The sixth bird was afterwards found dead by somebody else." INSECTS. Duke of Burgundy Fritillary (Melitaea athalia).—For many years this butterfly has not been known in Essex, and entomolo- gists will now be pleased to hear of its existence in some large woods in this county. In May 1911, Mr. Charles Cork and I made this interesting discovery, and. from the few specimens obtained, judged it to be very scarce, but on revisiting the spot this year we were agreeably surprised and delighted to find it in greatly increased numbers. Having communicated this fact to Mr. Frohawk, he expressed the opinion that the species, being very local in its distribution, and, so far as known in this country, never migrating from one place to another, it must always have been present in the locality referred to, but, owing to its former scarceness, had been overlooked. Having collected in this particular part for nearly twelve years, it is certainly strange that, at some time or other during that period, especially the hot summers of 1905-6, it did not come under our notice, and I can only assume that some other natural influence, resultant, perhaps, from the exceptional climatic conditions of the last two years, caused it to become plentiful.—J. Forsyth Johnstone, (Hutton, Essex) in Field, 8th June 1912.)