172 LETTERS FROM THE REV. WM. DERHAM. D.D. and engaged captains and surgeons of ships trading with foreign countries to bring him on return from their voyages specimens of seeds, plants, birds, insects, and stuffed animals. So highly was the collection thought of, that Sir Hans Sloane is said to have offered Petiver £4,000 (equal probably to £20,000 of our money) for it ; he did not accept the offer, but Sir Hans purchased it after the collector's death ; and it now forms a portion of the British Museum Collections. The word "Nasicorne" is now obsolete ; Sir Thomas Browne employed it and wrote "some unicornes we allow even among insects as those foure kinds of nasicornous beetles described by Muffetus." ''Papilios" is now obsolete in the sense then used to indicate all forms of Lepidoptera. Jacob Hoefnagle was an engraver of natural history subjects of considerable reputation. He was born at Antwerp 1576, and died 1640. Wencelaus Hollar was a very fine engraver ; a catalogue of many of his engravings was made by Vertue. A Vlacq or Ulaccus of Gouda, Holland, published the first complete treatise in Logarithms in 1628, which was founded on the work of an Englishman, H. Briggs, who died three years after Vlacq's book appeared. Ray's Historia Plantarum was published between the years 1686 and 1704. Upmr Aug. 5. I would have waited upon you my self, or sent before now, but the busy time of Harvest hath hindered. And now I have gotten an Ague yt batters me bitterly, yt I am Scarce able to get so far. When I was last at London I sought after Plott's Oxfordshire for you, but find I was plainly mistaken when I told you it was offered to me for 9s. or 10s. I doubt not but it was his Staff[or]dsh[ire], I met wth his Oxonshire, fair & guilt and lettered on ye back, but Brown would not sell it under 16s. And at other places they asked me 20s.. so I did not buy it for you, till farther order. I saw there also Willoughbie & Ray on Birds cheap enough, but my Ague hath hurt my memory yt I forget ye certain price. I have by this messenger sent your Plott's Staff[or]dsh[ire], & the last Transaction. The rest of your books are in safety, but not quite read yet ; which I will return wth many acknowledgmts. & thanks. I desire my humble service to your Lady, Son & Daughters & wish both you & them all health & happiness, being Sr. Your much obliged & humble Servt. W. Derham.