174 LETTERS FROM THE REV. WM. DERHAM, D.D. of his books from the notes made by his friend. The annuity Willoughby left Ray was the chief source of the latter's means of livelihood during the last years of his life. It appears from this letter that it was owing to the Doctor's persuasion that Dacre Barrett became a member of the Royal Society, to which he was elected in the following February. 1704. I have now gotten a Pneumatick Engine, & the maker will be with me to morrow, who is best able to try varions Experiments. He will be going on Saturday. I have advertised you of this, yt you may have the pleasure of seeing the Expts as well as my self ; and ye Honour of your good company will be a great favr to Sr. Your much obliged and most humble servt W. Derham. I desire my humble service to yr Lady, Son & Daughters. Upmr. Sep : 22. 1704. Sr. According as I told you I expected, I have gotten a Pneumatick Engine, wch the maker was so kind to leave with me for a week or more longer than this present time. I have successfully tryed some Expts in it, & want to try more, particularly some of Mr. Boyles ; & therefore if you have Mr. Boyl's Book of the Pneumat. Eng. or any other on yt Subject. I beg the favour of you to lend them me for a little while. I remember there are divers of such Expts in the Vol : of Transactions wch I last restored to you, or yt before. If you can find them out, & think them worth trying over again, I desire you will be pleased to send me yt Vol : again. And if you will be pleased, before I return the Engine, to assist in, & partake with me in the pleasure of some of these Curiosities it will be a great favour to Sr. Your much obliged and most humble servt. W. Derham. I am sure you will be much pleased wch ye Experimts, & there- fore to save you the trouble of a short journey hither, I would send you the Engine, but it would be troublesome, & hazardous to ye glasses. I desire the favour of mine & my wifes humble service to your Lady, Son & Daughters. Boyle wrote so large a quantity of books on scientific sub- jects that it is difficult to identify the one the Doctor wanted to borrow. It may have been one indexed in the British Museum Catalogue as New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall the touching the spring of the air, etc., etc., made in a new Pneumatical Machine. Published in 1660.