LETTERS FROM THE REV. WM. DERHAM, D D. 179 yt contains it. There is I think a cut of it in the Acta, not very different from mine in Trans. Nr : 310. If it will not be incon- venient I would beg the favr of you to lend me a vol : or two of the Acta, wch shall not be detained as your Willug : was. I believe I have perused one or two of the first vol : & should be glad then to see some of the rest. I am Sr Your much obliged humble Servt W. Derham. I am not able to read the word after "great." Among the forty odd contributions from Dr. Derham to the Philosophical Transactions, there is one by him on the migration of birds, but I can find no paper of his that I can identify with the one he refers to above. The account he gave of the "Conical Light" in the Heavens is, no doubt, the one on p. 2,411, Vol. xxv. of the Transactions, written about 1708. The Leipsick Acta Erudita is a scientific publication in 50 vols., begun at Leipsic in 1682, and carried on till 1731. Its full title is Acta Eruditorum. Hevelius of Dantzic, 1611-1687, was a very celebrated astrono- mer, who corresponded much with the members of the Royal Society, and had great controversies on astronomical matters with R. Hooke. I cannot follow the Doctor in his reference to a "cut" or illustration by him in Transactions No. 310. This number is Vol. 26, viz., the one for April, May and June 1707, and contains "An Account of a Pyramidal appearance in the Heavens near Upminster," by the rev. doctor, but there is no illustration to this article.