SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX 187 county, and lead eventually to the publication of a map showing the general distribution of the various kinds of boulders. Owing to the kind help of Mr. Miller Christy, Mr. Percy Thomp- son, Mr. Guy Maynard, Mr. A. G. Wright and others, my own list has been greatly extended. My best thanks are due to them. A knowledge of the character and general distribution of the boulders in the county would, I think, be interesting from both an antiquarian and a geological point of view. The authority for the occurrence of a Boulder is indicated by the initial letter of the observer, thus Salter—[S.]. The following papers, etc., might be consulted by those who wish to become better acquainted with the subject :— 1835. J. Brown, "A synoptical table of some of the mineral sub- stances and of the organic remains found in the Gravel at Stanway, Essex, and the neighbouring localities within a radius of 15 miles." Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. vi., ii., p. 349, article 9. 1837. J. Brown, "Observations upon the boulders of Trap rock, etc., which occur in the diluvium of Essex," Mag. Nat. Hist. (Charlesworth's) vol. i. (new series) p. 146. 1854. J. Prestwich, "The Woolwich and Reading Series," Q.J.G.S., vol. x., p. 123 §5 "Druid Sandstones," 1864. W. Whitaker, Memoir of the Geological Survey Sheet 7, pp. 71, 72, "Greywethers and Puddingstones." 1886. Prof. T. Rupert Jones, "History of the Sarsens." The Wiltshire Arch. and Nat. Hist. Soc. Mag. Vol. xxiii. pp. 122- 154. 1887. Rev. A. W. Rowe, "On the rocks of the Essex Drift" Q.J.G.S., xliii. p. 351. See also by same author "Some Essex Boulders." Essex Nat. Vol. i, pp. 61, 117. 1858. Report of British Association, Bath, pp. 114-121. 1859. W. Whitaker, Memoir of the Geological Survey Sheets, 1, 2 and 7. 1893. Rev. H. T. Armfield, M.A., late Rector of Colne Engaine, "On some ancient Boulders scattered in the district of the Colnes." Trans. of the Essex Archaeological Society, Vol. iv. (new series) pp. 61-69. 1900. The Rev. A. Irving, B.A., D.Sc. Proc. Geological Asso- ciation, Vol. xv. pp. 196 and 236 ; cf. also Vol. xiv. p. 395. 1901. Prof. J. W. Judd, Notes on the Structure of Sarsens," Geological Magazine, 1901, p. i 1901. Prof. T. Rupert Jones, "History of the Sarsens," Geological Magazine, 1901, pp. 54 and 115, where an extensive biblio- graphy can be seen. 1903. F. W. Harmer and P. Kendal, B.A. Report (Southport), p. 238.