188 SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX. 1904. H. W. Monckton, Proc. Geological Association Vol. xviii., p. 353. 1904. T. V. Holmes, "On the origin of the term 'Sarsen Stones,'" Essex Naturalist, Vol. xiii., p. 275. 1906. A. E. Salter, "On the Superficial Deposits of Central and Southern England." Proc. Geological Assoc. Vol. xix p. 24. 1909. R. H. Rastall and J. Romanes, "On the boulders of the Cambridge Drift, their distribution and origin," Quarterly Journal Geological Society, Vol. lxv. p. 246. 1910. Rev. J. G. Geare, Farnham, Essex, Past and Present. 1911. A. E. Salter, "Sarsens and other boulders in Hertfordshire," Trans. Hert. Natural History Society, Vol, xiv., p. 135 I. BETWEEN THE LEA, WITH ITS TRIBUTARY THE STORT, AND THE RODING VALLEY. With few exceptions the boulders found in this area consist of Tertiary sandstone or sarsen and Hertfordshire-conglomerate. No basalt boulders have been noted at present. Epping Forest —Outside the Epping Forest Museum, Chingford, are two small sandstone boulders probably derived from the old gravel pits close by [t.] By the "Wake Arms" is a hard sarsen 3' by 2' by 1' 6" seen. It was obtained from the Long Running Pits, Theydon Bois. [t. and s.] In the pits between the "Robin Hood" and Loughton some small sarsens were formerly to be seen [s.] cf. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. xiv. p. 394. Holyfield.—13/4 miles north of Waltham Abbey and East of Cheshunt, on the East side of the Lea. Near the gateway leading to Monkhams' Hall and opposite the Mission Hall are a boulder of Herts-conglomerate 3' 6" x 2' 6" x x 1' 6", containing Tertiary flint pebbles and broken flint, and a rounded sarsen 2' 3" x 2' x 1' 6". [s. and t.] Rye Hill to the north of Epping Green and south of Maunds. Five sarsens, the largest being 1' 6" x 1' 3" x 1' occur by the road side. [s.] Epping Upland.—South of Epping Long Green at the entrance to Gill's Farm, south of Hunters' Hall, is an angular block of coarse, loosely coherent yellow quartzose sandstone. It is on end and used as a cartway guide. [t.] Lying by the roadside at Chambers' Manor Farm is a boulder of fossiliferous Neocomian sandstone 56" x 37" x 16", exposed [t.] A cuboidal boulder of whitish buff sandstone 261/2" x 15" x 15" occurs by the roadside between Chambers' Manor Farm and Gills' Farm., [t.] Nazeing.—By the roadside in the village (Broadley Common), is a rounded block of Herts-conglomerate 3' 3" x 1' 6" x 1' 3" [t.] At the 'Coach and Horses' between Nazeing and Holywell, is an angular sarsen boulder 3' x 2' x 1' 6" [s. and r.] Roydon.—By the roadside in the village and close to the church is a rounded block of Herts-conglomerate 2' 6" x 2' 3" x 1' 9". [t.] Netteswell Cross.—By the road to Burnt Mill Station and close to the "Greyhound" are two small sarsens [s.] Latton.—In a pit quartz blocks to 10" x 7" x 3" were observed [s.]