SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX 189 Hatfield Heath.—In a pit a sandstone boulder 1' x 10" x 6" and one of Herts-conglomerate 10" x 6" were seen, [s.] Hatfield Broad Oak.—Sarsen seen [s.] Takely Street.—At the "Old Mill" Inn are three sandstone boulders, the largest being 3' x 2' x 1' 9", and one of schist 2' x 1' 6" x 8" (exposed). At the "Four Ashes" is another boulder [s.] cf. Brit Association Report, 1903, p. 238. Farnham.—A block of flint-conglomerate is to be seen in the Dane Meadow. It is known locally as "The Puddingstone." cf. Farnham Essex, Past and Present by the Rev. J. G. Geare, page 196. Henham.—At the north side of the village is a sarsen by the road [s.] Between Broxted and Elsenham.—By the side of the road is a large sarsen. [s.] At Elsenham itself is a block of hard sarsen [s.] Elsenham.—By a farmyard gate is a waterworn boulder of hard sarsen. [t.] THE VALLEY OF THE RODING. Boulders of basalt and a few other igneous rocks are found in the lower part of the valley, in addition to sarsens, Herts- conglomerate, etc. Chigwell-Row.—By the side of the Post Office in a yard are the follow- ing :—Granite boulder 1' 4" x l' 2" x 6"., an angular basalt boulder 1' 6" x 1' 3" x 1'., and rather smaller boulders of gneiss and sarsen. They have been in their present position for over thirty years, [s.] Many small boulders of granite, basalt, gneiss, sarsen, etc., are to be seen by the road leading from Chigwell Station to the village and also beyond the Grammar School. Others are to be seen south of the Grange Hill Station and at the gate of "Woodlands" between the station and Chig- well Row. [s.]. At the northern gate leading to Pettit's Hall near Chigwell Row are three boulders of basalt, gneiss, etc., the largest being 1' x 9" x 8". [s.] Some small boulders of basalt, etc., occur at the top of the hill between Chigwell Row and Romford. [s.] Hainault Forest.—In a field about 3/4 mile East of Cabin Hill is a boulder of white sandstone, stained by iron oxide. It is 4' 8" x 2' 4" X 1' 3". It is a subangular waterworn block lying on a hedge bank. [t.] Theydon Bois.—At Blackacre is a large tabular boulder of soft yellow buff sandstone 4' 7" x 3' X 9". Its surface is deeply corroded into hollows. [t.] Theydon Gernon near Abridge.—At Hill's farm is a boulder of Herts- conglomerate 1' 6" x 1' 5" x 1' 1". It was dug up from the field on the spot. In a field to the north of the church is a basalt boulder, 2' 01/2" x 1' 8" x 1' 2", used to mark a field track. In a lane by the church is a boulder of Herts-conglomerate, 1' 101/2" x 101/2" x 6", embedded in the roadway. [t.] North Weald.—Lying at the gate of Wildingtree Farm, near Weald bridge at 283' O.D., are the following boulders :—A block of hard white sandstone 1" x 2' 9" x 1' 6" exposed; another similar 3' 2" x 3' x 1' 11/2" ; a block of Tertiary sandstone full of minute flint splinters, 2' 81/2" x