190 SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX. 2' 6" x 1' 1"; a block of sandstone 2' ni" x 2' 2" x 51/2" ; and another of soft yellowish sandstone 1' x 1 x 6", [t.] By a cottage to the north of the above are two subangular blocks of Herts-conglomerate, the larger being 2' 41/2" x 1' 6" x 9". [t.] In the front yard of Newhouse farm, is a weathered block of soft white sandstone (3' 6" x 2' 7" x 1' 1".) [t.] Cripsey Brook.—Lying across the bed of the brook, 1/4 mile west of Weald Bridge at about 120' O.D., is a large flat table of Herts-conglomerate 9' 31/2" x 7' 21/2" x l' 8". This seems to be the largest Essex boulder. By the roadside 100 yards north of Weald Bridge is a smaller conglomerate boulder (1' 9" x 1' 61/2" x 10"), [t.] Moreton.—There is a water-worn block of yellow quartzose sandstone 2' 9" x 2' x 11/2" exposed, and outside the 'White Hart' a water-worn sarsen 3' x 2'2" x 1'. [t.] High Ongar.—At Wants' Farm is a small basalt boulder [c.] At "Witherspoons," four miles east of Ongar, Sarsens (2' x 1' 6"), Herts- conglomerate 9" x 9", and rough quartz blocks (1' x 1') were seen [s.] Sarsens also occur at Norton Mandeville by Norton Heath [c.] Between Ongar and Moreton by a farmhouse about 13/4 miles from Ongar are a sarsen and a Herts-conglomerate boulder. [s.] Blackmore.—By the roadside at Fingrith Hall is a hard sarsen [c.], and at the village green is a boulder of hard white sandstone with its surface worn into hollows 2' 41/2" x l' 51/2" x 1' [s. and T.]. Small boulders of a red decomposed igneous rock, and of hornblendic granite also occur on the green. [c.] Between Blackmore and Writtle no boulders were seen. [c.] Fyfield.—In the churchyard is a sarsen and by the roadside a sarsen, Herts-conglomerate etc., occur. [c.] Willingale.—In the brook close to Terrell's Hall is a wedge-shaped sarsen 5' x 3' 8" x 1', and a Septaria 1' 6". In a pit close by Warden's Hall, a triangular sarsen 2" 9" x 2' x 1' 3" was seen in situ. In the farm- yard at Warden's Hall are three sarsens [c.] At the corner of a lane opposite the "Maltsters' Arms" is a white sandstone boulder 3' 2" x l' 91/2" x 1' (exposed), [t.] About the village were seen a hard white sarsen and a boulder of green igneous rock (ash.) Shellow Bowels.—By the roadside is a hard sandstone (or quartzite) block 2' x 1' 2" x 101/2". [t.] In the farmyard at Shellow Cross Farm the following boulders were observed:—Hard-basalt, two sarsen and micaceous sandstone. [c.] High Laver.—By the roadside, close to the church, is a waterworn block of yellow sandstone (3' x 2' 2" x 1'). [T.] Beauchamp Roding.—In the churchyard is a large flat triangular sar- sen with a layer of flint pebbles (5' 3" x 4' 3" x 1'). Its surface is mammi- lated. [t.] Leaden Boding.—Outside the "King William the Fourth" Inn is an cuboidal block of conglomerate much weathered (2' 6'' x 1' 6" x 1' 2")