SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX. 191 SOUTH ESSEX, EASTWARD OF THE RODING VALLEY. Sarsens are the principal boulders found in this area. A few small basalt boulders have been noted in close proximity to the Roding Valley. Romford.—A small basalt boulder occurs in front of the Workhouse gates. [s.] Havering-atte-Bower.—In the private road near the church leading to Mrs. Mackintosh's stables, are three sarsens, the largest being 1' 3" x 1' 1" x 8", and a rounded boulder of Herts-conglomerate (1' 2" x 1' x 6"). Another conglomerate boulder occurs just south of the school and on the opposite side of the road (1' 4" x 8"). [s.] Noak Hill.—About two miles east of Havering-atte-Bower. By the cottage at Wingate's Smithy is a basalt boulder 1' 3" x 10" x 10", and a smaller block of brown quartzite. [s.] Brentwood.—At the top of King's Road, and near the main road is a sarsen (l' 2" x 1' x 9") [s.] Mountnessing.—At "Benions," is a rounded fair-sized boulder of basalt. [c.] Ingatestone.—By the road to Fryerning, and nearly opposite the "Anchor Inn" are two sarsens, the larger being 2' 6" x 1' 2" x 1'. Another can be seen in the Churchyard. cf. Proc. Geol. Association, Vol. xix. p. 317. [s.] and [c.] At Leez Priory near Ingatestone is a sarsen 3' long [c.]. Beggars Hill.—East of Blackmore. In a pit were seen a quartz boulder (11" x 10" x 6"), and a block of rhyolite (9" x 4" x 4"). cf. Proc. Geol. Association, Vol. xix. p. 317. [s.] Margaretting.—By the "Lion is a boulder of Herts-conglomerate (1' 4" x 1' x 8"). [s.] Writtle Park.—By the farm is a sarsen with holes and rootlet markings (1' 8" x 1' x 1') [s.] Orsett.—In the gravel pits at Socketts' Heath sarsens to 2' x 2' x 1' occur.—[s.] cf. Essex Nat. Vol. i. (1887), p. 8, and Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. xvii., p. 142. Grays.—cf. J. Morris on "Greywethers in Essex," Geol. Mag., Vol. iv. (1867), p. 63. Horndon on the Hill.—A sarsen over 3' long, with a fine mammilated surface, is to be seen outside a cottage door. It is used as a landing stone. [T.] Raleigh Hills.—Several sarsens occur about the village of Hadleigh, and one is built into the wall of the church. Near the water tower on the road to South Benfleet is a sarsen 2' x 2' x 10".—At Dawes Heath, near Hadleigh three sarsens over 1ft. long were seen in a pit and several smaller ones; also a small smooth block of Igtham stone, cf. Proc. Geol. Assoc, Vol. xix, p. 477). Near by, and close to Holly Lodge is another sarsen On the top of the hill leading out of Hockley towards Raleigh are two sarsens by a stile on the right side of the road, one rounded 2' 6" x 2' 6" x 8" and the other which is used as a step 1' 6" x 1' 6" x l'. Outside the "Paul Pry" Inn, Raleigh, is a sarsen 1' 6" x' 1' x 1' 6". [s.] Kent.—On the opposite side of the Thames, sarsens occur at Higham