192 SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX. Station in the Drift: By the road to Gad's Hill from the station are several sarsens, one near the "Three Crutches" having a mammilated surface. Near the "Horse and Groom," Cooling, on entering Cliffe from the East and at Sharnell Street, others are found. Kits Coity, Coldrum Circle etc., in the neighbourhood, are made up of large sarsens. [s.] CENTRAL ESSEX. THE CAN VALLEY. Writtle.—The following boulders have been noted in the vicinity of this village. Near the Brewery gates, are two rounded boulders of Herts- conglomerate about 2' 6" in diameter. [t.s.] In the garden at "Mel- bourne" are boulders of sarsen millstone-grit and brown-sandstone of fair size. [s.] [c.] Beside Roslings' gate at "Melbourne" is a large sarsen with an irregular quadrangular base, the sides being 23", 36", 42", and 42" respectively. It was obtained from the pit at Writtle Wick in which another can be seen in situ. [c.] cf. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. xiv. p. 190. At Cook's Mill Green is a block of coarse-grained light granite 2' 6" x 2' 6" x 1' 6".—Between Newney Green and Oxney Green, a block of rhyolite 9" x 6" x 2" was seen. [s.] In the yard of Benedict Otes farm a sarsen and a boulder of Neocomian sandstone can be seen [c.] and [w.]. At Branston Hall boulders of sand- stone, quartzite gniess, sarsen, etc., were found [c.]. Roxwell.—In the district around this village many boulders have been noted ; e.g.:—In a gravel pit at Butt Hatch sandstone and rhyolite boulders were found. [c.] At Boyton Hall farmyard are boulders of Sarsen, ferruginous conglomerate (5' to 6' x 4' x 3'), tight grey limestone flint, breccia (18'' x 12") and Neocomian sandstone. [c.] At 'Dukes" farmyard boulders of fair size of sarsen, brown-sandstone, light grey limestone, Oolitic limestone, and green decomposed schist were found. [c.] Standing in front of the mill is a flatfish round, cheese-shaped stone 1' 6" x 1' 3" of coarsely crystalline light coloured granite. Two small boulders of brown micaceous sandstone, possibly Necomian and one of a different texture, possibly Carboniferous. [c.] A boulder of light grey limestone, probably of Carboniferous age, was dug up some years ago in a field at Boyton Hall. It is now set up as a monolith at the end of an avenue in the grounds of Mr. Robert Woodhouse. It is about 5' high and 2' 6" thick. [c.] At Hill Farm is a small basalt boulder and at Chalk End several boulders of sarsen and brown and grey sandstone some being of moderate size. [c.] At Newland Hall is a small boulder of Neocomian sandstone. By the roadside near the "Hare and Hounds" are two boulders, one a sarsen, and the other a sandstone with plant markings (sarsen ?). [c.] At Boyton Cross is a boulder of basalt of moderate size. [c.] By the road near Stonehill farm are two boulders, each about 1' 8" x 1' 8" x 9", one a sarsen, and the other a block of Neocomian Sand- stone with fossils. At Stonehill Farm itself is a block of Herts-conglo- merate 2' 6" x 2' 6" x 1' 3"., and by the mill, blocks of sarsen, red and brown sandstone, each about l' 6" x 1' x 9", are found. [c.]