SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX. 193 Good Easter.—At "Wares" boulders of sandstone, light grey lime- stone and brown sandstone, of fair size, were found. [c.] Mashbury.—By the road near Gatehouse Farm is a triangular sand- stone block 2' x 2' x 1'. [s.] [c.] At Mashbury Hall farmyard is a boulder of Herts-conglomerate, (3' 6" x 3' x 2'), one of light grey limestone (2' 9" x 1' 10" x 1' 4"), a mounting block of breccia derived from the Bunter 2' 2" x 1' 6" x 1' 2", and a large flat flint [c.] Chignal Smealy.—By the roadside near Langley's Farm is a sandstone boulder 1' 7" x 1' x 11". [c.] Chignal St. James.—At Chobbins Farm are two small boulders of Neo- comian sandstone with fossils. [s.] [c.] At Pengy Mill Farm is a cheese-shaped basalt boulder 2' in diameter and 6" thick. [c.] CHELMER VALLEY. Broomfield.—By the roadside between Ayletts and Blasford Hall is an oval boulder of hard brown sandstone half buried in the ground, 2' 6" X 1' 6". By the roadside above the mill are boulders of red sand- stone, sarsen, hard sarsen, and micaceous sandstone, all of moderate size. There are many sandstone boulders in this district. [c.] Great Waltham.—By the "Windmill" Inn is a triangular, flat-sided sarsen boulder 1' 7" x 1' 7" x 10", and in the farmyard at Witham- bury is a boulder of Neocomian sandstone 3' 2" x 2' x 1' 6", partly buried. [s.] Pleshy.—At "Pleshy Stone," the junction of three roads, are three boulders, one of these (2' 6" x 1' 10" x l' 9" exposed), is a sarsen and another is a roughly diamond-shaped boulder of Neocomian sandstone (3' 6" X 2' 4") partly buried. [c.] Little Waltham.—At Powers' farm is a sarsen (3' x 1' 6" x 1' 6") and at Belsteads' farm are four boulders of sarsen and sandstone, the largest being 4' X 3' (partly buried). [c.] Opposite the church are boulders of sandstone and basalt [s.] Great Leighs.—At Alstead's farm is a sandstone boulder (3' x 3' x 2' l") [s.] and at Lyons' or Lawn's farm are two boulders by the roadside, one is composed of basalt and the other of brown sandstone [c.] See also the "Melbournes" referred to in the Essex Nat. Vol. i., p. 117. Barnston.—On the road to Dunmow, by a farm, are two sarsens and another occurs in the village itself. [s.] Dunmow.—At the northern entrance to the town is a sarsen [s.] (3' x 3' x 1"). The Rev. A. Rowe has noted the occurrence of large Jurassic boulders in the railway cutting near Dunmow. (cf. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. xiii, p. 351.) Great Easton.—In the garden of the Hall Farm, which adjoins the church, are two large boulders and several smaller ones. The largest is a sarsen (3' 6" x 3' 6" x 1' 2"), and the next is about half the size, and consists of Jurassic limestone with fossils. [c.] Lindsell.—Lying about the farmyard at Lindsell Hall are several boulders consisting of sarsens, micaceous sandstone, Septaria and Neo- comian sandstone with fossils. [c.]