SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX. 195 Blackmore End.—Outside the "Red Cow" is a sarsen (1' 6" x 10" x 7"). [s.] Wethersfield.—11/2 miles on the Nashes Green Road to Braintree is a boulder of micaceous sandstone (10" x 12") and 1/4 N. of Wethersfield is a boulder of light grey limestone. [s.] Radwinter, etc. cf. North Essex. N.E. ESSEX (EAST OF THE BLACKWATER.) The following boulders have been noted in this area :— Great Totham.—There is a large sarsen on entering the village from Tiptree Heath. The gravel pits near the Post Office have yielded moderate sized blocks of sarsen, flint and quartzite. [s.] Tiptree Heath.—Small sarsen. [s.] Kelvedon.—Sarsens, cf. T. V. Holmes Geology in the Field. Part I. p. 57. Stanway.— cf. J. Brown's papers previously quoted. Colchester.—Two large well-rounded boulders are to be seen by Green's fish-shop, opposite the Post Office. The Church Tower on Hythe Hill has several boulders built into it. [s.] In the inner court of the Castle are several igneous boulders 12" to 18" long, probably from old foundations. [c.] Great Clacton.—Sarsen (4' x 3' x 1'). Between Bures and Chappel.—By the road are five sarsens near a pond. Chappel, in village street two sarsens. [c.] Ardleigh "Crown."—By a farm near a sand pit to the south of the "Crown" are a few small sarsens. Colne Engaine.—In this district the late rector the Rev. H. T. Armfield, M.A., has noticed several boulders (op. cit.). He describes them as being "very hard, very heavy and generally grey in colour," and states that those which he examined were all of the same character. As he includes Ingate- stone and Pleshy in his list of localities they are all probably sarsen. In addition to these places he mentions the following :— (a.) In front of Parley Beans Farmyard on the road from Colne to Halstead, where two boulders occur one being 6' 11" x 6' 1' x 11". (b.) At the S.E. corner of Twinstead Churchyard 3' 11" above ground and 3' below by 3' 4" x 1'. apparently mammilated. Other stones occur at Bulmer. (c.) Gestingthorpe. In the middle of a field is a boulder 6' 4" x 5' 2" x 1' 8"). Others occur about the village, one by the church being 1' 9" x 2' x 1'. (d.) Little Maplestead. On the way to Gestingthorpe is a boulder 2' 4" x 1' 5" x 1' 3" (exposed.) (e). Colne Engaine. Three boulders are recorded from this village, the largest being 3' 2" x 2' x 11/2". (f.) Pebmarsh. Inside Mr. Stuart's gate is a boulder. (g.) Lamarsh. Near the church is an upright boulder. (h.) High Easter and East Bergholt (Suffolk) are also given as localities for boulders. Mr. Miller Christy and Mr. A. W. Wright report boulders from the following places in this district:— Wakes Colne.—By the gateway of the Fox and Pheasant Farm, a