196 SARSEN, BASALT AND OTHER BOULDERS IN ESSEX sarsen and a block of ferruginous sandstone. At Ford Street Mill are five boulders of sarsen and basalt. Earls Colne.—Round Tile Kiln Farm boulders of quartz, quartzite, and hard sarsen were found. Built into the wall of the Priory ground, close to the bridge, is a sarsen 4' 2" long. White Colne.—At the corner near the Post Office is a sarsen. Greenstead Green.—Near Halstead, in front of Parley Bean's Farm, two sarsens (c.f. above). These hollows have formed probably by rootlets, and the larger stone is hollowed into a shallow pan in the top, which often contains water. Fordham.—In roadside bank, sarsen, 3' long. NORTHERN ESSEX. I am indebted to Mr. Miller Christy and Mr. Guy Maynard for much help in this area, which contains many large boulders of sandstone, basalt, Herts-conglomerate, etc., similar to those found in Northern Hertfordshire (cf. Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. xiv., p. 135.). Littlebury Green or Catmer End.—There are many large sandstone boulders in and around this village, one by the roadside measuring (8' x 4' 6" x 2'). This was obtained from an adjoining meadow, which is the bottom of a secondary valley. Many others are buried there. The "Sheepstealers' Stone" by a footpath near the village has disappeared. Elmdon.—On the high ground in this district are many boulders of various kinds, e.g., basalt, light grey limestone probably Carboni- ferous, sarsens, sandstone, Neocomian sandstone, Septaria. A rounded boulder of fine-grained red granite was seen just beyond Elmdon on the road to Heydon. At Elmdonbury Farm is a large sarsen boulder (3' 6" x 1' 6"). It becomes pebbly in its lower part. At Lee Bury boulders of sarsen, sand- stone, Carboniferous Limestone, and Neocomian sandstone occur. Great Chrishall.—By the roadside near the church is a large block of calcrete and about the village may be seen boulders of rhyolite (?' 6" X 2'), micaceous and other sandstones, basalt, Carboniferous limestone, green mica schist. Heydon.—Here boulders of basalt, Neocomian sandstone and various other kinds of sandstone were found. On the high ground round Heydon, Chrishall, etc., many basalts were found and numerous sandstone boulders. They were scarce on the bare chalk slope, but abundant when the clay capping the hills was approached. Arkesden.—In the district around this village basalt boulders were very rarely found, but large blocks of flint conglomerate were numerous. Between Newport and Wicken Bonhurst, around the ancient chapel, boul- ders of basalt, sandstone, Oolite grit and Jurassic limestone were noted and in the large gravel pit between Wicken Bonhurst and Arkesden were many sandstone boulders, some being in situ in the gravel. Ferruginous sandstone, Herts-conglomerate, Carboniferous limestone, micaceous sandstone, and decomposed basalt also occur. In the stream by the