THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 213 THE 418th MEETING. 22nd February 1913. This meeting was held at the Technical Institute, Stratford, the President in the chair. New Members.—The following were elected :— Mr. Cuthbert Bishop, co. Mr. Thorogood, Coronation Avenae, Notley Road, Braintree. Mr. C. Chittock, Hon. Sec. of the Felsted School Scientific Society, The Old School House, Felsted (on behalf of the Society). Mr. John W. Tayleur, B.Sc., The Woodlands, Writtle, near Chelmsford. Vote of Condolence to Mrs. Oates.—On the motion of Mr. Avery, seconded by Dr. Graham, a vote of condolence with our member, Mrs. Caroline Oates, of Over Hall, Castle Hedingham, on the death of her son, Captain Oates, during the Scott Expedition to the South Pole, was passed, and the Secretary was requested to convey the same to Mrs. Oates. (See page 237). Paper Read.—A paper by Mr. A. Bell, "On a new species of Fossil Ziphioid Whale from Walton-on-Naze" was read. The paper is printed in the Essex Naturalist, Vol. xvii., p. 105. Lecture.—A lecture was given by Mr. Edward Lovett (member of the Folk-lore Society), on "The Legendary Folk-lore of Amulets, Charms, and Mascots." The lecture was illustrated by a large number of lantern- slides, and by the exhibition of examples from Mr. Lovett's own collection. The subjects treated of were as follows :—Surviving Superstitions in Britain—Amulets 3000 years old—Hag-Stones and Devil-Stones—Thunder- bolts and Elf-Darts—The Evil-Eye—The "lucky" Horse-shoe, and why —The Mystery of Amber—Curious Cures for Cramp—Amulets still used in London. Considerable discussion was carried on by Mr. Shenstone, F.L.S., Dr. Graham, B.Sc., Miss Willmott, F.L.S., Mr. Dalton, F.G.S., Mr. Wrigley, Mr. W. Cole, the President and others, and Mr. Lovett was cordially thanked for a most interesting lecture. At the end of the meeting, an exhibition of some special microscopic objects was made by Mr. Wilson, F.R.M.S., and Mr. D. J. Scourfield, F.R.M.S., in the Photographic Laboratory of the Institute. THE 419th MEETING. Saturday, 5th April 1913. This meeting was held at the Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6 p.m., the President, Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., in the chair. Exhibitions.—A living specimen of Saxifraga oppositifolia was exhibited by Mr. Percy Thompson on behalf of Mr. W. H. Dalton, who had gathered this rare Alpine plant high up on Cader Idris a few days before. Remarks on this interesting species were made by Miss Willmott and Mr. C. Nichol- son. Mr. Charles Sworder exhibited and presented to the Club some old microscopic slides of Aphides, which he had obtained at the dispersal D