THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 215 Place, and so affording an opportunity of inspection under a different floral aspect from that seen on the occasions of our two former visits. The members assembled at Brentwood Station a little before one o'clock, brakes being in attendance for the drive to Warley Place. A very full account of the Gardens was given in the Essex Naturalist by Mr. Shenstone (Vol. xvii., pp. 40-60), to which the reader is referred. Miss Willmott was again most kind and indefatigable in demonstrating the beauties of her truly wonderful gardens—the countless species and individuals of "Bulb-plants" were an unfailing delight to all fortunate enough to be present at the meeting. Tea was taken in the mansion, and Miss Willmott exhibited the parts already published of her beautifully, illustrated book on the Genus Rosa. A vote of thanks was passed to our kind hostess amid every expression of pleasure and gratitude for the pleasure conferred for the third time in these "personally conducted" rambles over her famous garden. Miss Willmott replied. Afterwards the members walked back to Brentwood station for the home trains. ANNUAL MEETING AND 422nd ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, 3rd May 1913. These meetings took place in the Physical Lecture Theatre of the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6 p.m. The Annual Meeting was first held, the President, Mr. William Whi- taker, F.R.S., in the chair. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting, held on 1st June 1912, were read and confirmed. In Mr. Howard's absence, the Treasurer's Statement was read by Mr. Avery, and approved. The Secretary produced the account of the Tea Fund, which was accepted. The Secretary read the Report of the Council, which was submitted to the meeting and approved. This report and the Financial Statement will be found in the Supple- ment to the Year-Book. Election of Members of Council and Officers.—The President intimated that at the meeting on 5th April the following Members retired from the Council in rotation :—Messrs. A. E. Briscoe, W. Ping, F. H. Varley, and Rev. A. C. Morris. They offered themselves for re-election, and were duly nominated. As Officers, the following were nominated :—President, Mr. William Whitaker, B.A., F.R.S., F.G.S. ; Treasurer, Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., F.I.C. ; Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. W. Cole, B. G. Cole, and Percy Thompson; Librarian, Mr. Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S.; Auditors, Mr. F. Reichert and Mr. A. Wrigley. As no other nominations had been made, the President declared the above named members duly elected as Council and Officers. The President then, in lieu of an address, made some remarks on the