234 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Scleranthus annuus, L. Chenopodium album L. *Beta maritima, L. *Atriplex patula, L. * „ angustifolia, Sm. * „ littoralis, L. „ laciniata „ babingtonii, Woods. *Atriplex portulacoides, L. *Salicornia herbacea, L. *Suaeda maritima, Dumort. „ fruticosa, Forsk. Polygonum aviculare, L. ,, convolvulus, L. Euphorbia exigua, L. Mercurialis perennis, L. * Ulmus montana, Sm. * „ campestris, Sm. Allium vineale, L. *Juncus maritimus Sm. * „ gerardi, Loisel. Typha angustifolia, L. Lemna minor, L. „ gibba, L. Alisma plantago, L. *Triglochin maritimum, L. *Potamogeton pectinatus, L. *Zostera marina, L. *Scirpus maritimus, L. Carex divisa, Huds. ,, arenaria, L. ,, muricata, L: „ hirta, L. *Spartina stricta, Roth. *Alopecurus geniculatus, L. Phleum arenarium, L. *Ammophila arundinacea, Host. Aira praecox, L. Holcus lanatus, L. Arrenatherum avenaceum, Beauv. *Phragmites communis, Tein. Dactylis glomerata, L. * Glyceria aquatica, Sm. * „ fluitans, Br. „ maritima, Wahlb. „ distans, Dumort. Festuca ovina, L. ,, duriuscula, L. ,, myuros, L. Bromus sterilis, L. „ mollis, L. Lolium perenne, L. *Agropyrum repens, Beauv. * ,, junceum, Beauv-. Lepturus filiformis, Trin. *Hordeum maritimum, With. * .. murinum, L. "FUNGUS FORAY"—THEYDON BOIS TO HIGH BEACH, EPPING FOREST. Saturday, 18th October 1913. The meeting as usual was constituted by a morning and afternoon party. The first assembled at Theydon Bois station at 11 a.m. The referees were Mr. George Massee, F.L.S., of the Royal Herbarium, Kew, and Miss G. Lister, F.L.S. (Miss A. Lorrain Smith was unfortunately un- able to be present). A large number of our botanical members attended, and their aid in gathering and determining specimens was of the greatest service to the success of the meeting. Members of the Selborne. Society and of the School Nature-Study Union were also welcomed. The afternoon party joined in the woods. A long and close search was made for Fungi and a very considerable "bag" was secured, including 108 species. By kind invitation of Mr. Gerald Buxton, part of the ramble was taken through his wood at Oak Hill. At 5 o'clock all re-united at the "Roserville Retreat," High Beach in the large hall of which tables were arranged for exhibition of specimens. They were carefully examined by the experts present, and labels were