236 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Club the deepest expressions of regret and condolence on the death of the great Naturalist and most esteemed Honorary Member. The President also expressed the regret of the members and visitors at the news that Mr. E. M. Holmes had met with a somewhat serious accident, and the Secretary was requested to convey this to Mr. Holmes with the hope that he would be speedily restored to health. The President also welcomed at the meeting the members of the Sel- borne Society, and those of the School Nature Study Society. Miss. G. Lister,1 Mr. H. N. Dixon and Mr. Robert Paulson gave accounts of the observations of the day amongst the Myxomycetes, Mosses and Lichens. Most cordial thanks were expressed to the conductors and referees, and to those expert visitors present who had aided in the collecting and identification of the species found. Afterwards time was spent in the examination of the plants on the tables, and way homewards was made from Theydon Bois station. THE 430th MEETING. Saturday, 29TH November 1913. This meeting was held as usual at the Municipal Technical Institute, Stratford, at 6 o'clock, Mr. Whitaker, F.R.S., in the chair. New Members.—The following were duly elected members:— Mr. Charles H. Bestow, Melford House, Upper Clapton, N.E. Miss Jessie Bray, "Colonsay," Theydon Bois. Miss Helen D. Dedman, 69, Wellesley Road, Ilford. Pictorial Post Cards of Essex.—In aid of the Pictorial Survey of Essex, the Curator reported that Mr. Walter Fox had presented an Album of Post Cards of all the Essex Parish and Ecclesiastical Parish Churches, comprising a total number of 460 views. The collection was commenced in the year 1905, and, with the exception of 12, each Church has been visited by Mr. Fox by means of the cycle. Space has been reserved in the album for church interior views, 150 being now in hand towards the collection, which it is hoped will be completed within the next two years. Other donations of post cards include the following :—Mr. B. G. Cole, 208 ; Rev. J. F. Cole, 9 ; Miss M. Cole, 11 ; Mr. W. Cole, 157 ; Mr. Bryan Corcoran, 6 ; Mr. Walter Fox, 133 ; Miss Skinner, 9 ; Mr. Tabor, 52 ; and 43 photographs taken by himself ; Mr. Whitehead, 6. Thanks were heartily accorded to the donors, and the Curator made a few remarks on the nature of the collection, and hoped that generous support would be accorded to the Pictorial Survey, now that an earnest effort was being made to further it. The late Captain Oates.—With reference to the letter of condolence which the Secretary had been requested to send to our Member, Mrs. Miss Lister's notes are printed a separate paper in the present part, page 241