THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 243 this year in the Forest than the nearly allied and usually rarer A. pomiformis. On the Cryptogamic Foray in the Loughton and Theydon districts of Epping Forest, 8th Nov. 1913, the following species of Mycetozoa were found :— Badhamia utricularis Berk. Physarum nutans Pers. ; the small typical form was found in some abundance, also the stouter subsp. leucophaeum, and the subsp. robustum, a striking form with much calcareous matter included in the sporangium-wall, in the capillitium and in the stalks ; the latter are either nearly white or brown according to the proportion of lime of refuse matter enclosed by their walls : the robust variety appears to be common in the Forest from September to November. P. viride Pers. On wood. Craterium minutum Fries. On dead holly leaves. Didymium squamulosum Fries. On dead holly leaves. D. nigripes Fries. In great abundance on holly leaves. Colloderma oculatum G. Lister. Found on living trees and fallen logs. Sometimes the sporangia are on trunks well covered with moss (Hypnum cupressiforme) and liverwort (Lophocolea heterophylla), sometimes on trunks where there are no mosses or liverworts and only a little scattered lichen. (Cladonia). Comatricha nigra Schroeter. On dead wood, abundant. C. pulchella Rost. On dead holly leaves. Enerthenema papillatum Rost. On oak boughs. Trichia varia Pers. On dead wood. T. botrytis Pers. On a dead stump. T. decipiens Macbr. On dead wood. Arcyria denudata Sheldon. On dead wood. A. incarnata Pers. On oak boughs. A. ferruginea Sauter. On dead wood ; the young rosy sporangia were just forming in serried ranks.