NOTES ON A HUMAN SKULL FOUND AT WENDON. 245 " A remarkably fine horn of the great elk, Cervus megaceros, was also found in association with these bones." This antler, it may be mentioned, is also exhibited in the Saffron Walden Museum, together with a small series of other bones, etc., from this site, comprising the antler of a Red Deer, portions of the skull and lower jaws of Deer, horn core of a small ox, and pieces of drift wood. The foregoing extract only gives a detailed section of 16ft., FIG I.—SIDE VIEW OF THE WENDON SKULL (Copied by G. Maynard from a drawing by Dr. Keith). but the depth to which the gravel was excavated is not stated, although the great height and weight of the railway embankment at this point would require a deep and solid foundation to be obtained in the gravel bed, for the culvert. Therefore, the approximate depth of 20ft. given by Mr. Roberts is probably near the truth, and the 22ft. given in the Saffron Walden Museum list, as the depth at which the skull was found, thus receives some corroboration.