266 NOTES ON ESSEX GEOLOGY. out our own publications, which ought to be known to all our members. These notes are really done for the Essex Field Club and not for the world at large, which latter body, of course, should take into account the work of the former. What I have sought to do is to give you some sort of idea of what geologic work has been done on our county from outside the Club. Papers on Essex geology have mainly appeared in three publications, the Journal of the Geological Society, the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association and the Geological Magazine. Secondly, I have had to neglect the accounts of the various Excursions of the Geologists' Association, in which there is much relating to Essex. Thirdly, papers dealing essentially with questions of water- supply have been neglected, for the good and sufficient reason that they are being dealt with elsewhere, in a Memoir on the water-supply of the county. Fourthly, various short notes and incidental references have been passed over. But I trust that nothing of importance has been missed. Considering the length of this address, I think that you ought to be grateful to me for the above-noted omissions, and I hope that you will bear with a few remarks made on some of the works noticed. Of course the following notes are only indications to workers in various geologic fields as to where they must look for informa- tion. They may be enough or more than enough for most of you, but the specialist must labour for himself. 1890. In his paper on the Westleton Beds (part ii.) Sir J. Prestwich devotes some pages to Essex.1 He classes with these beds the gravel of Walton-on-Naze, with doubt part of that of the cliffs westward from that place to Clacton, some in the Sudbury district and near Marks Tey, near Witham, Braintree, Thaxted etc. But in all these cases, despite the pebbly character of the gravels, I am inclined to adhere to the classification of the beds with the gravel below the Boulder Clay (generally known as Middle Glacial) rather than "with the older gravels 1 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. xlvi., pp. 128-136, 144, 245.