NOTES ON ESSEX GEOLOGY. 271 1897. C. Reid gave us a list of "Pleistocene Plants from Grays," got from material collected by Prestwich many years before.12 "The plants occur associated with, or below the remains of, mammoth and Corbicula fluminalis. They point distinctly to a temperate climate and mild winters." 15 kinds of plants were determined ; amongst them ivy and poplar, which had not been recorded before as British fossils. H. B. Woodward's Memoir on "Soils and Subsoils," was published in this year ; but it is better to notice the second edition, of 1906. 1898. Dr. A. Irving's paper on the geology of the Stort Valley13 refers mainly to Hertfordshire, but touches on Essex, and the author thinks that "the Stort-Cam watershed about Elsenham may . . date from the Glacial Period," and that "the head- waters of the Cam (which are in our county) no doubt represent some reversal of drainage since Tertiary times." In the Memoranda chiefly on Drift Deposits of Sir J. Prest- wich,14 we have a section at Victoria Docks, a section of Mr. Meesons [brickearth] pit at Grays, and notes of pits at Chadwell and Braintree (pp. 409, 410), varying in date from 1847 to 1855. T. V. Holmes treated of deneholes15 enforcing the arguments advanced in our own report on the subject, which really belongs to the domain of archaeology rather than to that of geology. 1900. The second part of F. W. Harmer's essay on the "Pliocene Deposits of the East of England," is devoted to the Essex Crag, to which he gives the name Waltonian.18 This is taken to be the oldest division of the Red Crag and is confined to Essex. These beds are distinguished "by the strongly marked southern facies of their molluscan fauna." The author divides the Waltonian into two zones, that of Mactra obtruncata above (at Beaumont, Oakley, Dovercourt and Harwich), and that of 12 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. liii., pp. 463, 464. 13 Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. xv.. pt. 6, p. 224, etc. 14 Geol. Mag., dec. iv., Vol. v., p. 404 15 Ibid., p. 447. 16 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. lvi., pp. 705-744.