276 NOTES ON ESSEX GEOLOGY. to "a considerable outlier (of Bagshot Beds) near Sudbury in Suffolk," and hope that this is not on the Essex side of that border-town. In his paper on "Minor British Earthquakes in 1901-1903,"25 Dr. C. Davidson records two at Saffron Walden on 1st and 6th Nov., 1903, from information given by our member G. Maynard (p.541). These were distinct from the "spurious earthquake," also noted by our member, which was merely loud reports caused by the explosion of fireworks or dynamite by an army officer. The Upper Chalk of Essex is alluded to in Chap. xviii. of the third vol. of Jukes-Browne's Cretaceous Rocks, where it is avowed that little is known yet. Unfortunately the sections of the Chalk Rock described under Essex on pp. 236, 237, except for the two at Great and Little Chesterford, are not in our county. A small list of fossils from the Micraster coranguinum zone at Saffron Walden is given on p. 239. Our southern outcrop, at Grays, is unnoticed. Here again is a field for our workers. 1905. Dr. A. E. Salter's general paper on Superficial Deposits,26 refers to Essex on parts of pp. 24-35 with a description of the rock-constituents of the gravels of Epping Forest, and other Essex hills eastward, and his conclusion, as far as Essex is concerned, is that the Lower Thames, the Lea, etc., must "be of recent formation, geologically speaking," by which I under- stand Post Glacial. In a like way are treated the gravels of the more northerly parts of Essex, under seven heads, with others, reaching across to the south-east, also under seven heads. The paper on "The Relative Ages of the Stone Implements of the Lower Thames Valley," by M. A. C. Hinton and A. S. Kennard,27 refers of course to our county, though very much more to Kent ; indeed the paper may be described as general and Kentish. In part x. of the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies reference is made to the deep borings at Weeley and Harwich, in the "statement" included in my evidence, 25 Geol. Mag., dec. v., Vol. i., p. 535. 26 Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. xix., pt. 1., p. I. 27 Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. xix., pt. 2, p. 76.