280 NOTES ON ESSEX GEOLOGY. smaller Mammalia is most praiseworthy, treated of "British Fossil Shrews."35 He records one specimen from the brickearth of Grays, but refrains from naming it : it had previously passed as Sorex vulgaris (p. 533). The new species (Neomys browni) also comes from Grays, and is known only from there, (p. 535.) 1912. The Rev. E. Hill's paper on "Glacial Sections around Sud- bury,"36 deals with Essex as well as with Suffolk, as Ballingdon, on the right side of the Stour opposite Sudbury, is in our county, and is referred to on pp. 24, 26, 27. The author concludes that the Stour Valley is pre-Glacial, that a great mass of Boulder Clay has been removed, and that some of the low lying masses of Boulder Clay, which are in peculiar positions, were not formed in place, but "are as much boulders as any mass in the gravel ; plainly they have been transported." All of them are below the level of the base of the great mass of Boulder Clay and are on the slopes of the valley and "clay can slip clown very moderate slopes." When, long ago, I first saw and recorded many of these most interesting sections (the finest set of inland sections of Glacial Drift that I have seen), I was greatly puzzled by them, and was disposed to regard these anomalous beds as belonging to the Lower Glacial of Wood. Mr. Hills' ingenious explanation is accepted by P. G. Boswell, who is working so well at East Anglian geology ; but I think that the question can hardly be looked on as definitely settled ; the infilling of our deep channels of Glacial Drift consists of other materials besides Boulder Clay. S. H, Warren's paper on a Late Glacial Stage in the Valley of the Lee (with its various appendices by other authors) is based on sections just over the border, in Middlesex,37 and does not deal specifically with Essex. Though therefore I may spare myself from noticing it, I am bound to add that no geologist has any business to deal with the valley that forms the border of our county without studying this elaborate work of our new President. In this year there was a correspondence on the subject of 35 Geol. Mag., dec. v., Vol. viii., p. 529, etc. 36 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. lxviii., p. 23. 37 Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. lxviii., pp. 213-251.