284 EPPING FOREST FERNS. Walton Crag ; Pleistocene Non-marine Mollusca, Clacton ; Eocene Fauna and Flora of Walton ; Pleistocene Geology of Grays Area ; Geologic Notes on Reservoirs near Walthamstow ; Palaeolithic Implements from Low-level Drift, Thames Valley. 1902. Manganiferous Seam in Drift at Ilford ; Manganiferous Nodules in Boulder Clay ; Excavations at Reservoirs, Wal- thamstow (two papers) ; Dug-out Boats (section) ; Railway between Ilford and Woodford ; Walton and Frinton in 1902 ; Teeth of Rhinoceros from Ilford. 1903. Non-marine Mollusca of Alluvium at Walthamstow ; Sections at Canning Town ; Palaeolith from Grays ; Seeds in Alluvium at Walthamstow. 1904. Greywethers at Grays ; Geology of Hainault Forest ; Rail- way between Kelvedon and Tollesbury. 1905. Sulphate of Lime in Soils and Subsoils. 1906. Pile-dwelling near Braintree (sections). 1907. Subsidence at Mucking ; Sections at Witham ; Pelvis of Mammoth from Barking ; Pleistocene Geology, Grays Area ; Mammoth at Wrabness. 1908. Post-glacial Beds in Mersea ; Subsidence at Grays. 1909. Palaeolithic Implements of E. Essex. 1910. Subsidence of E. England ; Geology of Grays District ; Calcrete near Audley End. 1911. Prehistoric Floor (geologic references) ; Zonal Stratification of Pliocenes ; Stony Beds underlying Harwich Harbour. 1912. Palaeolithic Remains from Clacton. 1913. New Fossil Whale from Walton ; Section at Temple Mills, Leyton. EPPING FOREST FERNS. By W. RICHTER ROBERTS. MR. Roberts, in exhibiting at the meeting on 25th January, 1913, a set of the Ferns of Epping Forest, made the following remarks on the existing fern flora of the district :— No doubt some of our members read with some scepticism the line on the agenda paper announcing my exhibit ; there are few people, I believe, who know of the various species of ferns which still linger in the forest, although they are now fast disappearing. The climatic conditions of Essex are not favourable to luxurious fern growth and what growth there is seems often to be negatived by vandalism. I will, however, give a short account of the various species which I and my friends have found in the forest.