INDEX. Alkaline Waters of the London Basin, no. Allen, Dr. Benjamin, of Brain- tree, more about, 1. Allen, Ray, Dale, and Com- memoration Fund, 1912, 129 ; a Eulogy of, 145. Amulets, charms and mascots (syllabus only), 213. Animals found in Middens of Rayleigh Castle, On the re- mains of vertebrate, 10. Annual Meetings of E.F.C, 112, 215. Aphides, microscopic preparations of, exhibited, and presented, 213. Arctic Bed at Ponder's End, Flora and fauna of, 36 ; Mosses from, 107. Arkesdon and Elmdon district, Visit to, 115. Arrenurus, Drawing of species of, exhibited and presented, no. Auk, Little, from R. Stour, pre- sented, 108; Avery, John, An additional part of Ogborne's "History of Essex," 210. Badhamia utricularis, living speci- mens of, exhibited, 107. Barrett, Dacre, Letters from the Rev. Wm. Derham to, 165. Barrett - Lennard, Thomas, Letters from the Rev. Wm. Derham to Dacre Barrett, 105. Barrow at East Mersea, Visit to, 230 ; at Mersea Island, Botanical and Geological observations on Romano-British, 261. Bartlow Hills, Visit to, 220. Basalt, Sarsen and other boulders in Essex, 186. Bell Alfred, Choneziphius moorei, a new species of fossil Ziphoid whale from Walton-on-Naze, 105 ; presents collections of zonal fossils from Red Crag, 108 ; presents new species of Crepidula, 108. Bees' Nest in hedge, Honey, 286. Birch, Peregrine Falcon at, 140. Bird Notes from Stour Valley, 140. Birds' eggs presented to Museum, 211. Black Notley, Visit to, 110. Botanical and geological observa- tions on Romano-British barrow at Mersea, 261. Botany at Clacton, Autumn, 24S. Boulders, Sarsen, basalt and other, in Essex, 186. Boulger, Prof. G. S., John Ray. Samuel Dale and Benjamin Allen, a Eulogy, 145. Braintree, Visit to, 110. Brightlingsea, Anomalous state of Spartina stricta at, 290. British Association, Report of Club's Delegates, Dundee, 1912, 138 ; Birmingham, 1913, 240. Britton, C. E., presents specimens to herbarium, 240 ; autumn botany at Clacton, 24S ; The Water Speedwell, 291. Buckhurst Hill, Lathyrus tuberosus at, 143. Buxton, E. N., Golden Wedding of, 106. Cambridge boundary of Essex, Visit to the, 217. Can River, Lime-stone deposit from, 239. Cavers, F., Conductor at Crypto- gamic Foray, 124. Centrifuge applied to the study of Nannoplankton, The, 238. Chalk Downs of Essex, Visits to the, 115, 217. Chert in Epping Forest Gravels, on the occurrence of Rhaxella, 256. Chesterford, Ickleton and Cam- bridge boundary of Essex, Visit to, 217. Chignal St. James and Leez Priory, Visit to, 222. Chigwell, Meeting at, 113 ; Riccio- carpus natans from, exhibited 125. Chigwell Row, Dalyellia viridis from, 142 ; D. diadema from, 289. Choneziphius moorei from Walton- on-Naze, 105. Christy, Miller, More about Benjamin Allen of Braintree, 1 ; the Ray, Dale and Allen Com- memoration Fund, 129 ; former