iv. cultivation of Woad in Essex, 144 ; entertains Club, 224. Clacton, Paleolithic remains from, 15 ; district, coast flora of the, 199 ; autumn botany at, 248. Coast-flora of the Clacton District, 199. Colchester Corporation Water Works, History of the, 21. Cole, W., exhibits collection of Mycetozoa, 107 ; exhibits recent donations to Museum, 108, 211 ; exhibits nest of Great Wood Ant, no ; exhibits specimen of Turbellarian Worm, 111 ; con- ductor at Field Meetings, 114, 230 ; demonstrates at Forest Museum, 124, 222 ; exhibits Deiopeia pulchella from St. Osyth, 211 ; exhibits specimens from Fitch and Thurnall collections, 216 ; exhibits Pictorial Post Cards of Essex, 236 ; exhibits herbarium specimens, 240. Colymbus septentrionalis from R. Stour, 108. Congress of S.E. Union of Scientific Societies, Report of Club's Delegate to (title only), 210 ; Visit of, to Forest Museum, 221. Corcoran, Bryan, Conductor at Field Meeting, 212. Crag, Red, Collection of zonal fossils from,presented to Museum, 108. Crepidula, new species of, from Harwich, presented to Museum, 108. Cryptogamic Forays 111 Epping Forest, 124, 235. Cynipidae, collection of, exhibited, 210. Dale, Samuel, supposed unrecord- ed portrait of, 238. Dale, Ray and Allen, Commem- oration Fund, 1912, 129 ; A Eulogy, 145. Dalton, W. H., conductor at Field Meeting, 121 ; exhibits crystals of gypsum, 211 ; ex- hibits living specimen of Saxi- fraga oppositifolia, 213 ; sup- posed unrecorded portrait of Samuel Dale, 238. Dalyellia diadema at Chigwell Row, 289. Dalyellia viridis at Chigwell Row, 142. Daphnia magna from Epping Forest, 288. Deiopeia pulchella from St. Osyth, exhibited, 211. Dennis, A. W., Cultivation of the Fuller's Teasel in Essex, 285. Derham, Rev. Wm., Letters from, to Dacre Barrett, 165. Dipsacus fullonum, cultivation of, in Essex, 285. Diver, Red-throated, from River Stour, presented to Museum, 108. Dixon, H. N., conductor at Field Meeting, 233. Dunmow, Lathyrus tuberosus at, 290. Elmdon and Arkesdon, Visit to, 113. Enock, F., lectures on "Fairy Flies and their hosts" (title only), 214 ; presents pamphlets to Library, 217. Epping Forest, Zygodon forsteri, in, 85 ; Report on Lichens of, 90 ; gift of Mycetozoa of, 107 ; Lichens from, presented to Museum, 108 ; Fungus Forays in, 122, 234 ; Cryptogamic Forays in, 124, 235 ; Mycetozoa ob- served in, in Autumn of 1912, 126; Ferns, collection of, ex- hibited, 211 ; collection of mosses from, exhibited, 211 ; District, S.E. Union of Scientific Societies Visit to. 221 ; Mycetozoa seen during Cryptogamic Forays in, 241 ; Gravels, on the occur- rence of Rhaxella chert in, 230 ; Daphnia magna 111, 288 ; Ferns, 284 ; Pigmy Flints in, 292. Essex, British Fresh-water Leeches, with records of their occurrence in, 61 ; Lesser Redpoll nesting in, 140 ; Duke of Burgundy Fritillary in, 141 ; Former cultivation of Woad in, 144 ; Ogborne's "History of," an additional part of 210 ; Pictorial Post-Cards of, 236 ; Geology at the latter end of the 19th century and after, 265 ; cultiva- tion of Fuller's Teasel in, 285 ; Scirpus maritimus and Melampyrum arvense in, 291. Essex Field Club, 400th Meeting, January 27th, 1912, 106 ; 401st Meeting, February 27th, 1912, 108 ; 402nd Meeting, Demon-