v. stration of Collections of the late J. E. Greenhill, March 2nd, 1912, 108 ; 403rd Meeting, March 30th, 1912, 110 ; 404th Meeting, Visit to Black Notley and Braintree, April 27th, 1912, 110 ; 405th Meeting, Visit to Warley Place, May 18th, 1912, 111 ; Annual Meeting, Special Meeting and 406th Meeting, June 1st, 1912, 112 ; 407th Meeting, Visit to Chigwell, June 8th, 1912, 113 ; 408th Meeting in Arkesdon and Elmdon District, June 22nd, 1912, 115 ; 409th Meeting, Visit to Stapleford Tawney and They- don Mount, July 20th, 1912, 118 ; 410th Meeting, Riverside Ramble by the Roding, September 21st, 1912, 120; 411th Meeting, Visit to Temple Mills. Leyton, October 5th, 1912, 121 ; 412th Meeting, Fungus Foray, October 19th, 1912, 122 ; 413th Meeting October 26th, 1912, 123 ; 414th Meeting, Cryptogamic Foray, November 2nd, 1912 124 ; 415th Meeting, November 30th, 1912, 125 ; 416th meeting, January 25th, 1913, 210 ; 417th Meeting, Inspection cf the Roman Wall, London, February 1st, 1913, 212 ; 418th Meeting, February 22nd, 1913, 213 ; 419th Meeting, April 5th, 1913, 213; 420th Meeting, Visit to the British Museum (Natural History), April 12th,1913, 214; 421st Meeting, Visit to Warley Place, April 26th, 1913. 214 ; Annual and 422nd Meeting, May 3rd, 1913, 215 ; 423rd Meeting, Visit to Chester- ford, Ickleton and the Cam- bridge Boundary of the County, May 31st, 1913, 217 ; 424th Meeting, S.E. Union of Scientific Societies visit to Epping Forest, June 7th, 1913, 221 ; 423th Meeting, Visit to Leez Priory and Chigwell St. James, June 21st, 1913, 222 ; 426th Meeting, Visit to Fyfield and Norton Heath, July 19th. 1913, 227 ; 427th Meeting, Visit to Mersea Island, September 20th, 1913, 229 : 428th Meeting, Fungus Foray, October 18th, 1913, 234 ; 129th Meeting. Cryptogamic Meet- ing, November 8th, 1913, 233 ; 430th Meeting, November 29th, 1913, 236. Fairy Flies and their hosts (title only), 214. Falco peregrinus at Birch, 140. Farrington, W. J., Lathyrus tuberosus at Dunmow, 290. Fauna and flora of the Arctic Bed at Ponder's End, 30. Ferns, Epping Forest, 284 ; ex- hibited, 211. Fitch, the late, collection of insects of, exhibited, 216. Flints, worked, from Stour Valley, exhibited, 211. Flints, pigmy, in Epping Forest, 292. Flora and fauna of the Arctic Bed at Ponder's End, 36 ; of the chalk Downs of Essex, no, 219 ; coast, of the Clacton district 199 ; around Fyfield and Norton Heath, 227 ; of Mersea, 233. Folk-lore of amulets, charms and mascots (syllabus only), 213. Forest Museum, Visit of Club to, 124 ; Visit of S. E. Union of Scientific Societies to, 221. Formica rufa, nest of, exhibited, no. Fossils, collection of zonal, from Red Crag, presented, 108. Fritillary, Duke of Burgundy, in Essex, 141. Fuller's Teasel, cultivation of, in Essex, 285. Fungus Forays, 122, 234. Fyfield and Norton Heath, Visit to, 227. Fyfield Pea at Buckhurst Hill, 143 ; at Dunmow, 290. Gardens of Warley Place, Brent- wood, The, 40. Geological and botanical observa- tions on the Romano-British Barrow at Mersea, 261. Geology, Notes on Essex, at the latter end of the 19th century and after, 265. Golden-eight Moth in Britain, 87. Graham, A., demonstrates on human skull, 217. Gravels, on the occurrence of Rhaxella Chert in, Epping Forest, 256.