vi. Greenhill, J. E., the late, De- monstration of the collection of, 108. Gypsum, crystals of, exhibited, 211. Hadstock, lichens and mosses of, 220. Hall, L. B., conductor at Crypto- gamic Foray, 235. Harting, J. E., presents birds' eggs to Museum, 211. Harwich, supposed new species of Crepidula from, presented, 108. Hawkins, C. E., Lesser Redpoll nesting in Essex, 140. Hill Hall, Visit to, 120. Hinton, Martin G, on the re- mains of vertebrate animals found in the middens of Ray- leigh Castle, 16. Holmes, E. M., conductor at Field Meeting, 124 ; exhibits Ricciocar- pus natans from Chigwell, 125. Howard, D., exhibits drawings of well-sections at Stratford, 110. Hughes-Hughes, M. E., enter- tains Club, 222. Hullbridge, near Rayleigh, ex- hibition of Neolithic remains from, 124. Hunter, Chas. E., throws open Hill Hall to Club, 120. Hypnum, species of, from Arctic Bed at Ponder's End, 107. Ichneumonidae, collection of, ex- hibited, 216. Ickleton, Chesterford and the Cam- bridge boundary of Essex, visit to, 217. Irving, Percy A. (see Rev, A. Irving) Irving, Rev. A., and Percy A. Irving, Observations on the physiography of the Stort Valley with reference to Rubble Drift deposits (summary), 123. Isatis tinctoria, former cultivation of, in Essex, 144. Jackson, A. Bruce, conductor at Cryptogamic Foray, 124. Johnstone, J. Forsyth, Duke of Burgundy Fritillary in Essex, Keith, A., Report on human cranium found at Wendon, 244. Kenworthy, Rev. J. W., con- ductor at Field Meeting, 229. Lathyrus tuberosus at Buckhurst Hill, 143 ; at Dunmow, 290. Lea, Fauna and flora of the Arctic Bed of the Valley of the, at Ponder's End, 30. Leeches, British Fresh-water, 61. Leez Priory and Chignal St. James, visit to, 222. Lepidoptera, collection of, ex- hibited, 216. Letters from the Rev. Wm. Derham to Dacre Barrett, 105. Leyton, Field Meeting at Temple Mills, 121. Library, Special Meeting respecting, 112; accessions to, 217. Lichens of Epping Forest (Second Report), 90 ; from Epping Forest presented to Museum, 108 ; of Hadstock, 220 ; at Mersea, 231. Lime-stone deposit from River Can, 239. Lincolnshire coast, Pottery from, exhibited and presented, 107. Linota rufescens nesting in Essex, 140. Lister, Lord, Letter of condolence sent to family on death of, 108. Lister, Miss G., presents collection of Mycetozoa from Epping Forest, 107 ; conductor at Fungus Foray, 122, 234 ; conductor at Cryp- togamic Forays, 124, 235 ; lecture on Mycetozoa (title only), 123; Mycetozoa observed in Epping Forest in Autumn of 1912, 126 ; Mycetozoa seen during Crypto- gamic Forays in Epping Forest, 241. London Basin, alkaline waters of the, no. Lovett, E., Lecture on "The Legendary Folk-lore of Amulets, Charms and Mascots "(syllabus only), 213. "Lynchetts," 218. Mammalian remains from Middens of Rayleigh Castle, 16. Marriott, W., lectures on "Wea- ther observations in connection with the work of the Essex Field Club" (syllabus only), 107.