vii. Massee, G., conductor at Fungus Forays, 122, 234. Maynard, Guy, conductor at Field Meetings, 115, 217 ; Notes on Human Skull found at Wendon, 244. Melampyrum arvense and Scirpus maritimus in Essex, 291. Melitaea athalia in Essex, 141. Mergulus alle from R. Stour, pre- sented to Museum, 108. Mersea, Visit to, 229 ; Barrow at, 230 ; Lichens of, 231 ; Flora of, 233 ; Botanical and geological observations on Romano-British Barrow at, 261. Mite, Drawing of fresh-water, pre- sented, 110. Moon, Z., demonstrates books, prints, etc., in Leyton Library, 122. Morris, Rev. A. C, Anomalous state of Spartina stricta near Brightlingsea, 290. Morris, G., conductor at Field Meetings, 115, 217. Mosses from Arctic Bed at Ponder's End, 107 ; collection of British, presented to Museum, 211 ; col- lection of, from Epping Forest, presented, 211 ; of Hadstock, 220. Moth, Golden-eight, in Britain, 87. Museum, British, Natural History, Visit to, 214 ; of ancient domestic appliances, Visit to Mr. Miller Christy's, 225. Museum, Essex, recent accessions to, 107, 108, 110, 211, 213, 216, 236, 240, 291. Museum, Forest, Visit of S.E. Union of Scientific Societies, 221. Mycetozoa from Epping Forest, collection of, 107 ; living examples of plasmodium of, exhibited, 107 ; lecture on (title only), 125 ; observed in Epping Forest in Autumn of 1912, 126 ; seen during Cryptogamic Forays in Epping Forest, 241. Nannoplankton, the Centrifuge applied to the study of, 238. Neolithic implements from Hull- bridge, Rayleigh, exhibited, 124. Newman, L. F., conductor at Field Meeting, 115. Nicholls, W. B., presents birds from R. Stour, 108 ; Peregrine Falcon at Birch, 140 ; Miscellane- ous bird notes from the Stour Valley, 140. Nicholson, C, The Golden-eight moth in Britain, 87 ; exhibits living specimens of Plasmodium of Badhamia utricularis, 107 ; conductor at Field Meeting, 120. Norton Heath and Fyfield, Visit to, 227. Notes, original and selected, 139, 286. Dates, Captain, the late, 213, 236. Ogborne's "History of Essex," an additional part of, 210. Owl, hunting in day time, 139. Palaeolithic remains from Clacton, 15. Paulson, R., conductor at Field Meetings, 114, 120, 124, 230, 235. Paulson, R., and P. G. Thompson, report on Lichens of Epping Forest (Second Paper), 90 ; present collection of lichens from Epping Forest, 108. Peregrine Falcon at Birch, 140. Pictorial Post Cards of Essex, 236. Pigmy Flints in Epping Forest, 292. Piltdown Skull, demonstration of, 214. Pleistocene deposits at Temple Mills, Leyton, visit to, 121 ; exhibition of remains from, 124. Plusia moneta in Britain, 87. Ponder's End, fauna and flora of the Arctic Bed at, 36 ; mosses from the Arctic Bed at, 107. Pottery from Lincolnshire coast, exhibition and presentation of, 107. Prance, Rev. Lewis N., entertains Club, 118. Prehistoric Art (title only), 217. Presidential Address, Mr. Whitaker's, 1914, 265. Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Club's visit to, 124; visit of S.E. Union of Scientific Societies, 221. Rand, H., exhibits Neolithic imple- ments, etc., from Hullbridge, near Rayleigh, 124. Ray, Dale and Allen, Com- memoration Fund, 1912, 129 ; a Eulogy of, 145.