viii Rayleigh, exhibition of Neolithic implements, etc., from Hull- bridge, near, 124. Rayleigh Castle, On the remains of vertebrate animals found in the middens of, 16. Redhills (Salt anent), 145. Redpoll, Lesser, nesting in Essex, 140. Rhaxella-Chert in Epping Forest gravels, on the occurrence of, 256. Ricciocarpus natans from Chigwell, exhibited, 125. Roberts, W. Richter, exhibits collection of Epping Forest Ferns, 211 ; Epping Forest Ferns, 284. Roding, Riverside ramble by the, September 21st, 1912, 120. Rolls Park, Visit to, 114. Roman Wall of London, Meeting for inspection of, 212. Romano-British Barrow at Mersea, botanical and geological observa- tions on the, 261. Rubble drift deposits, observations on the physiography of the Stort Valley with reference to (summary), 123, St. Osyth, Deiopeia pulchella from, exhibited, 211, Salt (anent Redhills), 145. Salter, A. E., Sarsen, Basalt and other boulders in Essex, 186. Sarsen, basalt and other boulders in Essex, 186. Saxer, F., coast flora of the Clacton district, 199. Saxifraga oppositifolia, living speci- men exhibited, 213. Scirpus maritimus and Melam- pyrum arvense in Essex, 291. Scourfield, I). J., exhibits water- colour drawing of fresh-water mite, no ; Report as Club's delegate to the Congress of the S.E. Union of Scientific societies, 210 ; exhibits Daphnia magna from Epping Forest, 211 ; Nanno- plankton of fresh-water ponds and lakes as revealed by the use of the centrifuge, 238 ; Daphnia magna in Epping Forest, 28S. Shenstone, J. C, The Gardens of Warley Place, Brentwood, 40. Sherrin, W, R., presents collection of British mosses, 211 ; con- ductor at Cryptogamic Foray, 235. Skinner, Miss Kate, conductor at Field Meeting, 227. Skull, Piltdown, demonstration of, 214 ; human, demonstration on, 217 ; found at Wendon Notes on human, 244. Smith, Mr. and Lady Sybil, throw open Rolls Park to Club, 114. Smith, Miss A. Lorrain, conductor at Fungus Foray, 122 ; con- ductor at Cryptogamic Foray, 235. Soar, C., presents drawing of fresh- water mite, 110. South-Eastern Union of Scientific Societies, Report of Club's dele- gate to Congress of (title only), 210 ; Visit of, to Epping Forest district, 221. Spartina stricta near Brightlingsea, anomalous state of, 290. Speedwell, The Water, 291. Stapleford Tawney and Theydon Mount, Visit to, 118. Stone coffin and coffin slab at Stapleford Tawney, 118. Stort Valley, observations on the physiography of the, with refer- ence to rubble drift deposits (summary). 123. Stour Valley, miscellaneous bird notes from the, 140 ; worked flints from, exhibited, 211. Stratford, drawings of well-sec- tions at. exhibited, no. Sworder, C, exhibits and presents microscopic slides of Aphides, 213. Teasel, Fuller's, cultivation of in Essex, 285. Temple Mills, Leyton, Field Meeting at, 121. Theydon Mount and Stapleford Tawney, Visit to, 118. Thompson, Percy, note on Zygodon forsteri, 85 ; Conductor at Field Meetings, 120, 124, 227, 230 ; Lathyrus tuberosus at Buckhurst Hill, 143 ; exhibits and presents lime-stone deposit from River Can, 239 ; on the occurrence of Rhaxella-Chert in Epping Forest Gravels, 256. (See also Paulson, R.)