ix Thompson, Mrs. Percy, presents collection of Mosses from Epping Forest, an. Thresh, Dr. J. C, The Alkaline Waters of the London Basin (syllabus only), 110. Thurnall, collection of Lepidoptera exhibited, 216. Turbellarian from Chigwell Row, 142 ; rare, in Essex. 289. Turner, E. E., Owl hunting in day time, 139 ; conductor at Field Meeting, 230 ; Flora of Mersea, 233 ; Scirpus maritimus and Melampyrum arvense in Essex, 291. Whale from Walton-on-Naze, a new species of fossil Ziphioid, 105. Whitaker, W., conductor at Field Meetings, 115, 121, 217, 229 ; Notes on Essex geology at the latter end of the 19th Century and after, 265. Whitehead,H., British Fresh-water Leeches, 61 ; Dalyellia viridis from Chigwell Row, 142 ; Dal- yellia diadema in Essex, 289. Wilkes, J. F., conductor at Field Meeting, 115 ; entertains Club, 117. Willmott, Miss E., entertains Club, 111, 214 ; conductor at Field Meeting, 227. Wilson, J., Reports of Club's Delegate at British Association, 138, 240. Woad, Former cultivation of, in Essex, 144. Wood, J. M., History of Colchester Corporation Water Works, 21. Woodward, Dr. A. Smith, de- monstrates collections at British Museum, 214. Wrigley, A., demonstrates col- lection of the late J. E. Greenhill, 108 ; conductor at Field Meeting, 121, exhibits remains from Pleis- tocene deposit at Temple Mills, 124 ; exhibits worked flints from Stour Valley, 211. Ziphioid Whale from Walton-on- Naze, a new species of fossil, 105. Zygodon forsteri, Note on, 85. PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. "Dewlands," Ray's Home at Black Notley, to face p. 1. Plate II. Borough of Colchester Water Works Water Supply from Lexden, 1909, to face p. 22. Warley Place, 40. Plate III. Narcissus campanelle in the Warley Gardens, to face p. 40. Plate IV. A Plan of Miss Will- mott's House and Gardens at Great Warley, to face p. 40. Plate V. To further illustrate the account of the Warley Gardens, fo face p. 40. Lilium testaceum at Warley Place, Veronica aquatica and V. anagallis, 291. Vertebrate animals in the middens of Rayleigh Castle, on the remains of, 16. Wall, Howard, conductor at Field Meeting, 114. Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, entertain Club, 113. Wallace, the late A. R., 235, 237. Walton-on-Naze, a new species of fossil Ziphioid whale from, 105. Warley Place, Brentwood, The Gardens of, 40; Visits to, 111, 214. Warren S. Hazzledine, palaeo- lithic remains from Clacton, 15 ; notes on the fauna and flora of the Arctic Bed at Ponder's End, 36 ; exhibits and presents pottery from Lincolnshire coast, 107 ; conductor at Field Meetings, 114, 121, 229 ; Prehistoric Art (title only), 217 ; botanical and geo- logical observations on the Romano-British Barrow, Mersea Island, 261 ; Pigmy flints in Epping Forest, 292. Water-works, History of the Col- chester Corporation, 21. Waters, Alkaline, of the London Basin, no. Weather observations and the work of the Essex Field Club (syllabus only), 107. Well sections at Stratford, drawings of, exhibited, no. Wendon, notes on human skull found at, 244.