x. To illustrate the overflow of plants into the Park, 43. Where rock and pasture meet. To shew how the Alpine Garden has been excavated in parklands, 49. General View of the Alpine Garden at Warley Place, 52. Plate VI. Essex Leeches, to face p. 61. Plate VII. Essex Leeches, to face p. 80. Plate VIII. Choneziphius moorei, Bell. From Walton-on-Naze, Essex, to face p. 105. Plate IX. (erroneously marked vi.). Brass of Archbishop Harsnett in Chigwell Church, to face p. 113. Plate X. (erroneously marked vii.). Chigwell Grammar School, to face p. 114. Stone Coffin and Coffin Slab at Stapleford Tawney, 119. Plate XI. The Tombs of John Ray and Benjamin Allen in the Churchyard at Black Notley, to face p. 132. Plate XII. "Dewlands," Ray's Home at Black Notley, to face p. 130. Plate XIII. John Ray (1627-1705), to face p. 129. Plate XIV. Samuel Dale (1659- 1739). to face p. 134. Plate XV. Tablet in Memory of Samuel Dale, to face p. 136. Plate. XVI. William Derham, D.D., to face p. 165. Plate XVII. Dacre Barrett, of Belhus, 1653-1724-5, to face p. 173. Plate XVIII. Prehistoric Skull found at Wendon, Essex, to face p. 244. Fig. 1. Side view of the Wendon Skull, 245. Fig. 2. The Wendon Skull, front view, 246. Plate XIX. Bunches of Teasel- heads tied upon poles, so as to dry in the sun, Coggeshall, 1913, to face p. 285. Fuller's Teasel growing at Cogges- hall, August 1913, 287. Bees' Nest found at Mile End. Colchester, 288. ERRATA. Page 107, line 21 from bottom, for "Utricularia," read "utri- cularis." Page 111, line 15, for "Dallyellia," read "Dalyellia." Page 211, line 26, for "Daphia," read "Daphnia." Page 216, line 16 from bottom, for "442," read "422." Page 216, lines 12 and 2 from bottom, for "Threnall" read "Thurnall" Page 222, line 15. for "At" read "St." [The Editor is greatly indebted to the continued kindness of Mr. Henry Whitehead for the compilation of the Index.]