4 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. for Traveller's Joy, in Bury Wood, showed the plants growing in a brown clay with fragmentary Septaria, clearly ordinary London Clay; no chalk fragments were seen here. THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB.—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. VISIT OF THE SELBORNE SOCIETY TO THE MUSEUM. Thursday, 8th January 1914. " THIS afternoon a most enjoyable time was spent at the Essex Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, under "the kind and able guidance of Mr. W. Cole, F.E.S., F.L.S., and Mr. "H. Whitehead. The Museum is the headquarters of the Essex Field "Club, and the visitors were kindly received by Mr. William Whitaker, "F.R.S., the President, who gave a most interesting account of the ''Museum, after which a tour was made of the building. "Among the excellent exhibits were specimens of nearly all the Essex "birds, with many nests and eggs. A fine collection of hawks, showing "their use in the sport of falconry; models of the whales (Cetaceans) "visiting the Essex coast ; collections of reptiles and amphibians; "examples of the most interesting Essex fishes, both fresh-water and mar- "ine, together with coloured pictures of the whole of the Essex species; "examples of the entire Essex molluscan fauna, fresh-water and marine; "a small general series of butterflies, moths, beetles, etc. ; a fine set of "'Red Crag fossils from Walton and Suffolk ; and a series of Pleistocene. "remains from Essex localities. On the walls of the gallery are coloured "drawings by Dr. M. C. Cooke, giving examples of all the divisions of plant "life. " After tea, which was generously provided by the Essex Field Club, a "cordial vote of thanks to the Club for their hospitality, and to Mr. W. "Whitaker, Mr. W. Cole, and Mr. H. Whitehead, proposed by Major "H. Hardy, and seconded by the Honorary Excursion Secretary, was. "carried unanimously." Extracted from The Selborne Magazine, April 1914, page 78. VISIT TO THE MUSEUM OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN. Saturday, 24TH January 1914. This meeting was held by special permission of the President and Museum Committee of the Pharmaceutical Society. The Curator, Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S. (one of the Honorary Members of the Club), received the party in the building, 17, Bloomsbury Square, W.C., and took the utmost pains to make the meeting interesting and instructive. The members assembled at 2 o'clock p.m., in the Reference Museum, where Mr. Holmes gave an exposition of Drugs, Perfumes, etc., of