12 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. clay, is found above the highest woody-mud, at the base of the alluvium, and one specimen of "Samian" ware was also found. Borings prove Thanet Sand and Chalk immediately underlying the Valley Drift here,neither the London Clay nor Woolwich Beds being present. The party, numbering about 70 persons, was conducted through the excavations by the two Directors, and afterwards entertained at afternoon tea in the Engineer's Offices. Cordial votes of thanks to Messrs. Barrow and Binns (facetiously referred to by our President as the "two working B's") were proposed and carried by acclamation. THE ANNUAL MEETING AND THE 435th ORDINARY MEETING. Saturday, 28th March 1914. These meetings were held as usual at Stratford, the President, Mr. W. Whitaker, F.R.S., in the chair. Annual Meeting.—The business of the Annual Meeting was taken first. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting, held on 3rd May 1913, and printed in the Essex Naturalist, were taken as read and confirmed. Mr. David Howard, the Hon. Treasurer, read and explained the finan- cial statement, which was received and adopted. Mr. Howard referred to the position of the Epping Forest Museum, and said that he was strongly of opinion that a determined effort should be made to carry on the Museum in a worthy manner. It would be a great pity if such an admirably planned institution should fail from want of proper support. The Secretary read the Report of the Council for the year 1913, which was also adopted. Mr. Cole also submitted the account of the Tea Fund. Officers and New Members of the Council.—The President announced that at the meeting on 28th February the following members retired from the Council in rotation:—Messrs. J. Avery, C.A., Professor Primrose McConnell, B.Sc., Champion Russell, M.A., and S. Hazzledine Warren, F.G.S. As new Members the following were nominated;—Messrs. J. Avery, J. R. Airey, M.A., B.Sc., Alexander Graham, M.B., B.Sc., and Miss G. Lister, F.L.S. As officers, the following were nominated:—President, Mr. S. Hazzle- dine Warren, F.G.S.; Treasurer, Mr. David Howard, J.P., F.C.S., F.I.C.; Hon. Secretaries, Messrs. W. Cole, B. G. Cole and Percy Thompson; Lib- rarian, Mr. Thomas W. Reader, F.G.S. As auditors, Mr. A. Wrigley was chosen as for the members, and Mr. C. Nicholson, F.E.S., on behalf of the Council. Mr. Whitaker, on retiring from the Presidency, became one of the permanent Vice-Presidents, under Rule V. No other members having been proposed, the President declared the above named elected as members of the Council and officers for 1914-15. Mr. Whitaker then delivered as a Presidential Address:—"Some